The SIP Servlet Tutorial

Using the @SipServlet Annotation

The javax.servlet.sip.annotation.SipServlet class-level annotation is used to mark the class as a SIP servlet.

Example 1–1 Example of the @SipServlet Annotation

public class MyServlet extends SipServlet {

@SipServlet has the following elements:

Table 1–3 @SipServlet Elements




Explicitly associates the SIP servlet with a particular SIP application. This element is optional. 


An optional description of this SIP servlet. 


An int value representing the order this SIP servlet should be loaded on application deployment. The default value is -1, meaning the SIP servlet will not load until the container receives a request that the servlet handles. The lower the non-negative integer value in loadOnStartup, the earlier the SIP servlet will be initialized.


An optional name for this SIP servlet.