Solaris Advanced Installation Guide


The following example creates a single disk configuration file, 104_test, on a SPARC based system with a 104-Mbyte disk.

You would redirect the output of the prtvtoc command to a single disk configuration file named 104_test.

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 > 104_test

The 104_test file would look like this:

* /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
*      72 sectors/track
*      14 tracks/cylinder
*    1008 sectors/cylinder
*    2038 cylinders*    2036 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       1      2    00          0     164304   164303   /
       2      5    00          0    2052288  2052287  
       3      0    00     164304     823536   987839   /disk2/b298
       5      0    00     987840     614880  1602719   /install/298/sparc/work
       7      0    00    1602720     449568  2052287   /space