Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

How the Size of Swap Is Determined

If a profile does not explicitly specify the size of swap, the Solaris installation program determines the maximum size that swap can be, based on the system's physical memory. Table 8-4 shows how the maximum size of swap is determined during a custom JumpStart installation.

Table 8-4 How the Maximum Size of Swap Is Determined

Physical Memory (in Mbytes) 

Maximum Size of Swap (in Mbytes) 

16 - 64 


64 - 128 


128 - 512 


Greater than 512 


The Solaris installation program will make the size of swap no more than 20% of the disk where it resides, unless there is free space left on the disk after laying out the other file systems. If free space exists, the Solaris installation program will allocate the free space to swap up to the maximum size shown in Table 8-4.

Note -

Physical memory plus swap space must be a minimum of 32 Mbytes.