Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

filesys Profile Keyword (Mounting Remote File Systems)

filesys server:path  server_address  mount_pt_name [mount_options]

This instance of filesys sets up the installed system to automatically mount remote file systems when it boots. You can specify filesys more than once.


filesys sherlock:/export/home/user2 - /home

server: - The name of the server where the remote file system resides (followed by a colon).

path - The remote file system's mount point name, for example, /usr or /export/home.

server_address - The IP address of the server specified in server:path. If you don't have a name service running on the network, this value can be used to populate the /etc/hosts file with the server's host name and IP address. If you don't want to specify the server's IP address (if you have a name service running on the network), you must specify a minus sign (-).

mount_pt_name - The name of the mount point that the remote file system will be mounted on.

mount_options - One or more mount options (-o option of the mount(1M) command) that are added to the /etc/vfstab entry for the specified mount_pt_name.

Note -

If you need to specify more than one mount option, the mount options must be separated by commas and no spaces. For example: ro,quota