Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Specifying Where to Install File Systems

# profile keywords       profile values
# ----------------        -------------------
 install_type	           initial_install
	 system_type              standalone
 [The file system slices are determined by the filesys
keywords (explicit value). The size of root is based
on the selected software (auto value) and it is installed
on c0t0d0s0; the size of swap is set
to 32 Mbytes and it is installed on c0t3d0s1;
and usr is based on the selected software and the installation
program determines where it is installed (any value).] 	partitioning             explicit
	 filesys                  c0t0d0s0 auto /
 filesys                  c0t3d0s1 32 swap
  filesys                  any auto usr
 [The entire distribution software group (SUNWCall) is installed on the system. ]  cluster                  SUNWCall