Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

General Problems


How to Fix the Problem 

The system boots over the network, but from a system other than the specified install server.

On the name server, update the /etc/bootparams entry for the system being installed. The entry should conform to the following syntax:

install_system root=boot_server:path install=install_server:path

Also, ensure there is only one bootparams entry on the subnet for the install client.


How to Fix the Problem 

SPARC based systems only. 

After you set up an install server and configure the system to install over the network, the system still does not boot. 

Be sure the tftpd daemon is running on the install server. Type the following command and press Return:

# ps -ef | grep tftpd

If this command does not return a line indicating the tftpd daemon is running, edit the /etc/inetd.conf file and remove the comment (#) character from the following line:

# tftp dgram udp
wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
in.tftpd -s /tftpboot

After making this change, try booting the system again. 


How to Fix the Problem 

x86 based systems only. 

After setting up an install server and configuring the system to install over the network, the system still does not boot. 

Be sure the tftpd daemon is running on the install server. Type the following command and press Return:

# ps -ef | grep rpld

If this command does not return a line indicating the rpld daemon is running, execute the following command:


# /usr/sbin/rpld

After making this change, try booting the system again.