Solaris Naming Administration Guide

Binding a Reference to a Composite Name

The fnbind command is used to bind an existing reference (name) to a new composite name.

fnbind -r [-s][-v][-L] name [-O|-U] newname reftype addrtype [-c|-x] address
Table 19-4 fnbind Command Options




The existing composite name 


The composite name of the new binding 


Address type to use. Applications-specific such as onc_cal_str.


Address contents to use. For example, tsvi@altair.


Reference type to use. Applications-specific such as one_calendar.


Bind to newname even if it is already bound. This replaces the previous binding of newname. Without -s, fnbind fails if newname is already bound.


Display the reference that will be bound to newname.


Create an XFN link using oldname and bind it to newname.


Bind newname to the reference constructed by the command line arguments.


Store address contents in the form as entered, do not use XDR-encoding.


Convert address to a hexadecimal string without converting it to XDR-encoding.


The identifier format is FN_ID_ISO_OID_STRING, an ASN.1 dot-separated integer list string. 


The identifier format is FN_ID_DCE_UUID, a DCE UUID in string form. 

For example:

To add a calendar binding for the user jamal:

# fnbind -r user/jamal/service/calendar onc_calendar onc_cal_str

To replace the existing binding of org//service/Sparc-4 with that of org//service/printer:

# fnbind -s org//service/printer org//service/Sparc-4

To copy the reference site/bldg-5/service/printer to user/ando/service/printer:

# fnbind site/bldg-5/service/printer user/ando/service/printer

To bind the reference site/bldg-5/service/printer to user/ando/service/printer using a symbolic link:

# fnbind -L site/bldg-5/service/printer user/ando/service/printer

To bind the name thisens/service/calendar to the address staff@altair, when staff@altair is a reference of the type onc_cal and an address of the type onc_cal_str:

# fnbind -r thisens/service/calendar onc_calendar onc_cal_str staff@altair

To bind newname to the reference constructed by its command line address

# fnbind -r [-sv] newname [-O|-U] reftype {[-O|-U] addrtype [-c|-x] address}