Solaris Naming Administration Guide

How FNS Policies Relate to NIS+

See "FNS and NIS+ Naming" for overview and background information relating to FNS and NIS+. If you are not familiar with NIS+ and its terminology, refer to Part 1 and Glossaryof this guide. You will find it helpful to be familiar with the structure of a typical NIS+ environment.

FNS stores bindings for enterprise objects in FNS tables which are located in domain-level org_dir NIS+ directories on NIS+ servers. FNS tables are similar to NIS+ tables. These FNS tables store bindings for the following enterprise namespaces:

NIS+ Domains and FNS Organizational Units

FNS names organization, user, and host enterprise objects within NIS+ which is the preferred Solaris enterprise name service. An NIS+ domain is comprised of logical collections of users and machines and information about them, arranged to reflect some form of hierarchical organizational structure within an enterprise.

FNS is implemented on NIS+ by mapping NIS+ domains to FNS organizations. An organizational unit name corresponds to a NIS+ domain name and is identified using either the fully qualified form of its NIS+ domain name, or its NIS+ domain name relative to the NIS+ root. The top of the FNS organizational namespace is mapped to the NIS+ root domain and is accessed using the name org/ from the initial context.

In NIS+, users and hosts have a notion of a home domain. A host or user's home domain is the NIS+ domain that maintains information associated with them. A user or host's home domain can be determined directly using its NIS+ principal name. An NIS+ principal name is composed of the atomic user (login) name or the atomic host name and the name of the NIS+ home domain. For example, the user sekou with home domain has an NIS+ principal name and the machine name vega has an NIS+ principal name

A user's NIS+ home domain corresponds to the user's FNS organizational unit. Similarly, a host's home domain corresponds to its FNS organizational unit.

Trailing Dot in Organization Names

The trailing dot in an organization name indicates that the name is a fully qualified NIS+ domain name. Without the trailing dot, the organization name is an NIS+ domain name to be resolved relative to the NIS+ root domain.

For example, if the NIS+ root domain is, with a subdomain, the following pairs of names refer to the same organization:

Table 21-4 Example of Relative and Fully Qualified Organization Names Under NIS+

Relative Name 

Fully Qualified Name 





The name org/manf. (with trailing dot) would not be found, because there is no NIS+ domain with just the manf. name.

NIS+ Hosts and FNS Hosts

Hosts in the NIS+ namespace are found in the hosts.org_dir table of the host's home domain. Hosts in an FNS organization correspond to the hosts in the hosts.org_dir table of the corresponding NIS+ domain. FNS provides a context for each host in the hosts table.

NIS+ Users and FNS Users

Users in the NIS+ namespace are listed in the passwd.org_dir table of the user's home domain. Users in an FNS organization correspond to the users in the passwd.org_dir table of the corresponding NIS+ domain. FNS provides a context for each user in the passwd table.

NIS+ Security and FNS

The FNS fncreate command creates FNS tables and directories in the NIS+ hierarchy associated with the domain of the host on which the command is run. In order to run fncreate, you must be an authenticated NIS+ principle with credentials authorizing you to Read, Create, Modify, and Destroy NIS+ objects in that domain. You will be the owner of the FNS tables created by fncreate. One way to obtain this authorization is to be a member of the NIS+ group that has administrator privileges in the domain.

The NIS_GROUP environment variable should be set to name of the NIS+ administration group for the domain prior to running fncreate. You can specify whether or not individual users can make changes to FNS data that relates to them.

See Chapter 6, Security Overview, for a description of NIS+ security.