TCP/IP and Data Communications Administration Guide

Diagnose Name Service Configuration Problems

Use the information below to fix errors in the configuration of the NIS name services that prevent the client from accessing a server during boot.


An incorrect default router prevents the client from reaching a server on another network.

Verification: Make sure the router symbol definition in the dhcptab table is actually a router. If there are problems with the default router, make corrections with server-based tools.

Solution: Use dhtadm to correct the route symbol in the table.


No name service is configured for the client in the dhcptab table. For clients, the name service must be DNS, NIS, or NIS+, and appropriate parameters must be provided to each client.

Verification: Check the network-specific macro relating to the client's configuration.

  1. Log in to the server and type the command:

    dhtadm -P

  2. Look for an entry that matches your client's network.

    Solution: Use dhtadm to correct the client's macro for the name service:

    If this is the first client on the network:

  1. Use dhtadm to correct the entries.

  2. Then type:

    /etc/init.d/dhcp stop, 
    /etc/rc3.d/S34dhcp start
    on the server and reboot the client.

    Note -

    The server does not dictate the name service choice to the client. The server only provides the relevant information. The client chooses its name service.