NFS Administration Guide
 -k option of umountall command ( Index Term Link )
 KERB authentication
  See also DH authentication; public-key cryptography
  dfstab file option ( Index Term Link )
  NFS and ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 kerbd daemon ( Index Term Link )
 kerberos, dfstab file option ( Index Term Link )
 Kerberos (KERB) authentication ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 kernel, checking response on server ( Index Term Link )
 /kernel/fs file, checking ( Index Term Link )
 key server, starting ( Index Term Link )
 keyboard interruption of mounting ( Index Term Link )
 keylogin program
  remote login security issues ( Index Term Link )
  running ( Index Term Link )
 keylogout program ( Index Term Link )
 keyserv daemon, verifying ( Index Term Link )
 ksh command ( Index Term Link )