NFS Administration Guide


Autofs recognizes some characters as having a special meaning. Some are used for substitutions, some to protect other characters from the autofs map parser.

Ampersand (&)

If you have a map with many subdirectories specified, as in the following, consider using string substitutions.

john        willow:/home/john
mary        willow:/home/mary
joe         willow:/home/joe
able        pine:/export/able
baker       peach:/export/baker

You can use the ampersand character (&) to substitute the key wherever it appears. If you use the ampersand, the previous map changes to:

john        willow:/home/&
mary        willow:/home/&
joe         willow:/home/&
able        pine:/export/&
baker       peach:/export/&

You could also use key substitutions in a direct map, in situations like this:

/usr/man						willow,cedar,poplar:/usr/man

which you can also write as:

/usr/man						willow,cedar,poplar:&

Notice that the ampersand substitution uses the whole key string, so if the key in a direct map starts with a / (as it should), the slash is carried over, and you could not do, for example, the following:

/progs				&1,&2,&3:/export/src/progs 

because autofs would interpret it as:

/progs 				/progs1,/progs2,/progs3:/export/src/progs
Asterisk (*)

You can use the catchall substitute character, the asterisk (*), to match any key. You could mount the /export file system from all hosts through this map entry.

*						&:/export

Each ampersand is substituted by the value of any given key. Autofs interprets the asterisk as an end-of-file character.