Solaris Naming Setup and Configuration Guide

Source Files

Prepare the source files for conversion to NIS maps.

  1. Check the source files on the master server to make sure they reflect an up-to-date picture of your system environment.

    Check the following files:

    • auto.home or auto_home

    • auto.master or auto_master

    • bootparams

    • ethers

    • group

    • hosts

    • netgroup

    • netmasks

    • networks

    • passwd

    • protocols

    • rpc

    • service

    • shadow

  2. Copy all of the these source files, except passwd, to the DIR directory that you have selected.

  3. Copy the passwd file to the PWDIR directory that you have selected.

  4. Check the /etc/mail/aliases file.

    Unlike other source files, the /etc/mail/aliases file cannot be moved to another directory. This file must reside in the /etc/mail directory. Make sure the /etc/mail/aliases source file is complete by verifying that it contains all the mail aliases that you want to have available throughout the domain. Refer to the aliases man page for more information.

  5. Clean all comments and other extraneous lines and information from the source files.

    These operations can be done through a sed or awk script or with a text editor. (The makefile performs some file cleaning automatically for you, but it is good practice to examine and clean these files by hand before running.)

  6. Check to make sure that the data in all the source files is correctly formatted

    Source file data needs to be in the correct format for that particular file. Check the man pages for the different files to make sure that each file is in the correct format.