SunSHIELD Basic Security Module Guide

Disabling BSM

If at some point BSM is no longer required, you can disable it by running bsmunconv (see the bsmconv(1M) man page). Again, first bring the system into the single-user mode using telinit, then change to the /etc/security directory and run bsmunconv.

# /etc/telinit 1
# cd /etc/security
# ./bsmunconv

After unconverting the system, reboot it to run as a multiuser Solaris machine.

# /etc/telinit 6

Note -

The bsunmconv script removes the line in /etc/system which disables the ability to abort the system using the Stop-a keyboard sequence. If you want to continue to disable the ability to abort the system using the Stop-a keyboard sequence after running the bsunconv script, you must reenter a line that reads "set abort_enable = 0" in /etc/system.