Solaris 1.x to 2.x Transition Guide

Portability, Scalability, Interoperability, and Compatibility

The Solaris operating environment is portable, scalable, interoperable, and compatible.


The SunSoft SunOS product is portable across multiple vendor platforms. Software conforming to an application binary interface (ABI) runs as shrink-wrapped software on all vendor systems with the same microprocessor architecture. This enables application developers to reduce software development costs and bring products to market quickly, and enables users to upgrade hardware while retaining their software applications and minimizing conversion costs.


Over time, applications become more widely used, and require more powerful systems to support them. To operate in a growing environment, software must be able to run in a wide power range and must be able to take advantage of the additional processing power. SunSoft's operating system runs on machines of all sizes, from laptops to supercomputers.


Heterogenous computing environments are a reality today. Users purchase systems from many vendors to implement the solutions they need. Standardization and clear interfaces are critical to a heterogeneous environment, enabling users to develop strategies for communicating throughout their network. Solaris systems can interoperate with every popular system on the market today, and applications running on UNIX can communicate easily.


Computing technology continues to advance rapidly, but the need to remain competitive requires vendors to minimize their costs and to maximize their investments. SunSoft will ensure that as new technology is introduced, the existing software investment is preserved. Users can take advantage of today's solutions and still be compatible with tomorrow's technologies.