Solaris 1.x to 2.x Transition Guide

Choosing Software to Load

install4x displays the Install Main Menu shown here.

         *** 4.1* Install Main Menu ***

Choose an Architecture (then select modules to load):

                               Selected         Loaded

[a] sun4.sun4c.sunos.4.1.2         8               0
[b] sun4.sun4.sunos.4.1.2          8               0
[c] sun4.sun4m.sunos.4.1.2         7               0

or begin the loading process for all selected modules:

   [L] Load selected module            +----------------------+
                                       |  Disk Usage:         |
or abort without loading any modules   |     0K Selected      |
                                       |   53634K Free        |
   [Q] Quit without loading            +----------------------+
Type any bracketed letter to select that function.

Type ? for help. 

The Install Main Menu screen presents several options. The first set (labeled here as a, b, and c) is used to specify the architecture for which software is to be loaded. Other options enable the user to direct software loading to begin (L), quit the program (Q), or ask for help (?).

After you choose each appropriate architecture, the program displays the Module Selection.

Select sun4.sun4c.sunos.4.1.2 modules:
+[a] R proto root......240K  |  [o]   User_Diag...........6352K
+[a] R proto root......240K  |  [o]   User_Diag...........6352K
+[b] R usr...........26240K  |  [p]   Manual..............7456K
+[c] R Kvm............4832K  | +[q] D TLI...................48K
+[d] R Install.........936K  |  [r] D RFS..................912K
 [e] D Networking.....1040K  |  [s] D Debugging...........2928K
 [f] D System_V.......4008K  |  [t]   SunView_Programmers.1840K
 [g] D Sys............5288K  |  [u]   Shlib_Custom........1376K
 [h] C SunView_Users..2664K  |  [v]   Graphics............1784K
 [i]   SunView_Demo....512K  | +[w]   uucp.................608K
+[j]   Text............712K  | +[x]   Games...............3136K
 [k]   Demo...........4264K  |  [y]   Versatec............5960K
 [l] C OpenWin_Users.25936K  |  [z]   Security.............312K
 [m] C OpenWin_Demo...4288K  |  [A]   OpenWindows_Progr..10200K
 [n] C OpenWin_Fonts..7840K  |

Module     + = already loaded        R = Required    C= Common
Legend:   ** = selected for loading  D = Desirable   Others opt

Select [a-A] or a Quick-Pick Option:      +-------------------+
 [1] All Req'd Modules [4] All Opt Moduls | Disk Usage:       |
 [2] All Desr'ble  Mod  [5] All Modules   |    0K Selected    |
 [3] All Common Modules                   |   53634K Free     |
or [D] (done) to return to the main scrn  +-------------------+ 

Packages already loaded are shown on the Module Selection screen with a plus sign (+) before the selection letter (that is, in the previous screen the packages associated with letters a, b, c, d, j, q, w, and x are already loaded). Note that loading packages for one architecture may cause those packages to show as being loaded for other architectures since many packages are shared.

Select modules to load by typing the associated character that is shown in brackets. Pressing the key associated with a module toggles the selection status (that is, will select or deselect the module, depending on its previous status). Modules selected to be loaded have asterisks (**) displayed before the selection character. You can reload modules already present by answering Y or y when asked to confirm the apparent redundancy.

SunSoft has determined which software must be loaded for a release to operate normally (shown with R to the right of the selection letter), which software is commonly loaded (shown as C), and which software should be loaded (shown as D).

Additionally, the Module Selection screen readily enables you to pick groups of modules to be loaded. When you enter a 1, it marks all required modules for loading. When you enter a 2, it marks all recommended modules. When you enter a 3, it marks all commonly loaded modules. When you enter a 4, it marks all optional modules. When you enter a 5, it marks all modules shown on the Module Selection screen.

Return to the Install Main Menu by typing D.

            *** 4.1* Install Main Menu ***

 Choose an Architecture (then select modules to load):

                           Loaded      Selected

[a] sun4.sun4c.sunos.4.1.2    8           0
[b] sun4.sun4.sunos.4.1.2     8           0
[c] sun4.sun4m.sunos.4.1.2    7           0

or begin the loading process for all selected modules:

 [L] Load selected modules                   +-------------------+
                                             |  Disk Usage:      |
or abort without loading any modules:        |    0K Selected    |
                                             |   53634K Free     |
[Q] Quit without loading                     +-------------------+

Type any bracketed letter to select that function.
Type ? for help.                                                       

By typing L on the Install Main Menu, you can load all selected modules. Output similar to the following is displayed.

Installing module `proto root' [size: 248K]
        in directory /export/exec/proto.root.sunos.4.1.2 ...

Updating server databases ...

Press any key to continue: