NIS+ Transition Guide

DNS, NIS, and NIS+ Interoperability

NIS+ provides Interoperability features designed for upgrading from NIS and for continuing the interaction with DNS originally provided by the NIS service. To help convert from NIS, NIS+ provides an NIS-compatibility mode and an information-transfer utility. The NIS-compatibility mode enables an NIS+ server running Solaris 2.x software to answer requests from NIS clients while continuing to answer requests from NIS+ clients. The information-transfer utility helps administrators keep NIS maps and NIS+ tables synchronized.

NIS-compatibility mode requires slightly different setup procedures than those used for a standard NIS+ server. Also, NIS-compatibility mode has security implications for tables in the NIS+ namespace. These differences and implications are described in Solaris Naming Setup and Configuration Guide and Solaris Naming Administration Guide.

NIS client machines interact with the NIS+ namespace differently from NIS+ client machines when NIS+ servers are running in NIS-compatibility mode. The differences are:

In the Solaris 2.3 and later releases, the NIS-compatibility mode supports DNS forwarding. In the Solaris 2.2 release, support for DNS forwarding is available as a patch (patch #101022-06). The DNS forwarding patch is not available in the Solaris 2.0 and 2.1 releases.

Although an NIS+ domain cannot be connected to the Internet directly, the NIS+ client machines can be connected to the Internet with the name service switch. The client can set up its switch-configuration file (/etc/nsswitch.conf) to search for information in either DNS zone files or NIS maps--in addition to NIS+ tables.