NIS+ Transition Guide

How NIS+ Security Affects Users

NIS+ security benefits users because it improves the reliability of the information they obtain from NIS+ and it protects their information from unauthorized access. However, NIS+ security requires users to learn about security and requires them to perform a few extra administrative steps.

Although NIS+ requires a network login, users are not required to perform an additional key login because the login command automatically gets the network keys for the client when the client has been correctly configured. Clients are correctly configured when their login password and their Secure RPC password are the same. The secret key for the user root is normally made available in the /etc/.rootkey file (with a possible security problem, as noted earlier). When the NIS+ user password and credential are changed with the passwd command, the credential information is automatically changed for the user.

However, if your site allows users to maintain passwords in their local /etc/passwd files in addition to their Secure RPC password's, and if these passwords are different from the Secure RPC passwords, then users must run keylogin each time they run login. The reasons for this are explained in the Solaris Naming Administration Guide.