Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide

Localizing Palette Names

Localization of palettes is done through the use of description files (desc.language and desc.palettes). No specific localized directory exists (such as /usr/dt/palettes/language). All locales use the same set of palette files but have their own desc.palettes file containing the translated names of the palettes.

The description file contains resource specifications for the palette names that are translated. For example:

		Palettes*Cardamon.desc:					Cardamone
		Palettes*Cinnamon.desc:					Cannelle
		Palettes*Clove.desc:						Brun

The desc.language file is used to retrieve the description of the palettes for locale language in order to display the palette in the Style Manager list. If there is a description specification it will be displayed in the Style Manager palettes list. Otherwise, the palette file name will be used.

Users can add their own palette descirptions in the HomeDirectory/.dt/palettes/desc.palettes file. This file is used to retrieve the palette descriptions for all palettes added by the user regardless of locale.

The search path for the description files is: