Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide
 name-based data types ( Index Term Link )
 Name of Data Type text field ( Index Term Link )
 NAME_PATTERN field ( Index Term Link )
 National Language Support, internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
 networked desktops ( Index Term Link )
 networking ( Index Term Link )
  base configuration ( Index Term Link )
  configuring clients and servers ( Index Term Link )
  electronic mail ( Index Term Link )
  files required for ( Index Term Link )
  general configuration steps ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  running applications across mounts ( Index Term Link )
  types of services ( Index Term Link )
  X authorization ( Index Term Link )
 NFS ( Index Term Link )
 NLS environment variables ( Index Term Link )
 NLS remote execution ( Index Term Link )
 NO_STDIO window support ( Index Term Link )
 NoBackdrop setting ( Index Term Link )
 NoPrint action ( Index Term Link )
 NOT operator in MODE field ( Index Term Link )
 NUMBER_OF_ROWS field ( Index Term Link )