Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide

Example of Creating a Personal Front Panel with Three Rows

The following example changes the default Front Panel so that its controls are organized into three rows.

  1. Copy /usr/dt/appconfig/types/language/dtwm.fp to HomeDirectory/.dt/types/MyFrontPanel.fp. Give the file write permission.

    This is the file you will edit to provide the new Front Panel.

  2. Change the name of the Front Panel:

    	PANEL NewFrontPanel
  3. Change the name of the box named Top and edit its container name:

    	BOX NewFrontPanelTop
     	  CONTAINER_NAME					NewFrontPanel
     	  POSITION_HINTS					first
  4. Add box definitions for the middle and bottom rows:

    	BOX NewFrontPanelMiddle
     	  CONTAINER_NAME						NewFrontPanel
      	 POSITION_HINTS						second
    	BOX NewFrontPanelBottom
     	  CONTAINER_NAME						NewFrontPanel
     	  POSITION_HINTS						second
  5. Change the CONTAINER_NAME of the following controls to NewFrontPanelTop:

    • Clock

    • Date

    • Home

    • TextEditor

    • Mail

  6. Change the CONTAINER_NAME of the following controls to NewFrontPanelBottom:

    • Printer

    • Style

    • Applications

    • Help

    • Trash

  7. Change the CONTAINER_NAME of the switch to NewFrontPanelMiddle.

  8. Set the resource:

    	Dtwm*frontPanel*name:  NewFrontPanel
  9. Choose Restart Workspace Manager from the Workspace menu.