Mail Administration Guide

Appendix A sendmail Configuration File

A Sample sendmail Configuration File

Example A-1 shows the default file. A description of the syntax and semantics used in this file is included in "sendmail Configuration File Syntax".

Example A-1 Default File

#	Sendmail configuration file for "MAIN MACHINES"
#	You should install this file as /etc/mail/
#	if your machine is the main (or only) mail-relaying
#	machine in your domain.  Then edit the file to
#	customize it for your network configuration.
#	@(#)	1.24	97/06/05 SMI

###	local info

# delete the following if you have no sendmailvars table

# my official hostname
# You have two choices here.  If you want the gateway machine to identify
# itself as the DOMAIN, use this line:
# If you want the gateway machine to appear to be INSIDE the domain, use:
# if you are using (or have a fully-qualified hostname), use:

# major relay mailer - typical choice is "ddn" if you are on the
# Defense Data Network (e.g. Arpanet or Milnet)

# major relay host: use the $M mailer to send mail to other domains
DR ddn-gateway
CR ddn-gateway

# If you want to pre-load the "mailhosts" then use a line like
# FS /usr/lib/mailhosts
# and then change all the occurrences of $%y to be $=S instead.
# Otherwise, the default is to use the hosts.byname map if NIS
# is running (or else the /etc/hosts file if no NIS).

# valid top-level domains (default passes ALL unknown domains up)
CT arpa com edu gov mil net org 
CT us de fr jp kr nz il uk no au fi nl se ca ch my dk ar

# options that you probably want on a mailhost:

# checkpoint the queue after this many recipients

# refuse to send tiny messages to more than these recipients

#	General configuration information

# local domain names
# These can now be determined from the domainname system call.
# The first component of the NIS domain name is stripped off unless
# it begins with a dot or a plus sign.
# If your NIS domain is not inside the domain name you would like to have
# appear in your mail headers, add a "Dm" line to define your domain name.
# The Dm value is what is used in outgoing mail.  The Cm values are
# accepted in incoming mail.  By default Cm is set from Dm, but you might
# want to have more than one Cm line to recognize more than one domain 
# name on incoming mail during a transition.
# Example:
# DmCS.Podunk.EDU
# Cm cs cs.Podunk.EDU
# known hosts in this domain are obtained from gethostbyname() call

# Version number of configuration file
#ident	"@(#)version.m4	1.17	92/07/14 SMI"	/* SunOS 4.1	*/
#		Copyright Notice 
#Notice of copyright on this source code product does not indicate 
#	(c) 1986,1987,1988,1989  Sun Microsystems, Inc
#	          All rights reserved.


###   Standard macros

# name used for error messages
# special user
CDMailer-Daemon root daemon uucp
# UNIX header format
DlFrom $g  $d
# delimiter (operator) characters
# format of a total name
Dq$g$?x ($x)$.
# SMTP login message
De$j Sendmail $v/$V ready at $b

###   Options

# Remote mode - send through server if mailbox directory is mounted
# Turn on the DNS name look up
# location of alias file
# default delivery mode (deliver in background)
# rebuild the alias file automagically
# temporary file mode -- 0600 for secure mail, 0644 for permissive
# default GID
# location of help file
# log level
# default messages to old style
# Cc my postmaster on error replies I generate
# queue directory
# read timeout for SMTP protocols
# status file -- none
# queue up everything before starting transmission, for safety
# return queued mail after this long
# default UID

###   Message precedences

###   Trusted users
T root daemon uucp

###   Format of headers 
H?P?Return-Path: <$g>
HReceived: $?sfrom $s $.by $j ($v/$V)
	        id $i; $b
H?D?Resent-Date: $a
H?D?Date: $a
H?F?Resent-From: $q
H?F?From: $q
H?x?Full-Name: $x
H?M?Resent-Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>
H?M?Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>

###   Rewriting rules   ###

#  Sender Field Pre-rewriting
# None needed.

#  Recipient Field Pre-rewriting
# None needed.

# Name Canonicalization

# Internal format of names within the rewriting rules is:
# 	anything<@host.domain.domain...>anything
# We try to get every kind of name into this format, except for local
# names, which have no host part.  The reason for the "<>" stuff is
# that the relevant host name could be on the front of the name (for
# source routing), or on the back (normal form).  We enclose the one that
# we want to route on in the <>'s to make it easy to find.

# handle "from:<>" special case
R$*<>$*                 $@@                    turn into magic token

# basic textual canonicalization
R<$*<@$+>>              $@$1<@$2>
R$*<$+>$*               $2                     basic RFC822 parsing

# make sure <@a,@b,@c:user@d> syntax is easy to parse -- undone later
R@$+,$+:$+              @$1:$2:$3              change all "," to ":"
R@$+:$+                 $@$>6<@$1>:$2          src route canonical

R$+:$*;@$+              $@$1:$2;@$3            list syntax
R$+@$+                  $:$1<@$2>              focus on domain
R$+<$+@$+>              $1$2<@$3>              move gaze right
R$+<@$+>                $@$>6$1<@$2>           already canonical

# convert old-style names to domain-based names
# All old-style names parse from left to right, without precedence.
R$-!$+                  $@$>6$2<@$1.uucp>      uucphost!user
R$-.$+!$+               $@$>6$3<@$1.$2>        host.domain!user
R$+%$+                  $@$>3$1@$2             user%host

#  Final Output Post-rewriting 
R$+<@$+.uucp>           $2!$1                  u@h.uucp => h!u
R$+                     $: $>9 $1              Clean up addr
R$*<$+>$*               $1$2$3                 defocus

#  Clean up a name for passing to a mailer
#  (but leave it focused)
R$=w!@                  $@$w!$n
R@                      $@$n                   handle <> error addr
R$*<$*LOCAL>$*          $1<$2$m>$3             change local info
R<@$+>$*:$+:$+          <@$1>$2,$3:$4          <route-addr> canonical

#   Rewriting rules

# special local conversions
R$*<@$*$=m>$*           $1<@$2LOCAL>$4         convert local domain

# Local and Program Mailer specification

Mlocal,	P=/usr/lib/mail.local, F=flsSDFMmnP, S=10, R=20, A=mail.local -d $u
Mprog,	P=/bin/sh,   F=lsDFMeuP,  S=10, R=20, A=sh -c $u

# None needed.

# None needed.

#ident	"@(#)etherm.m4	1.16	95/12/01 SMI"	/* SunOS 4.1	*/
#		Copyright Notice 
#Notice of copyright on this source code product does not indicate 
#	(c) 1986,1987,1988,1989  Sun Microsystems, Inc
#	          All rights reserved.

#####		Ethernet Mailer specification
#####	Messages processed by this configuration are assumed to remain
#####	in the same domain.  This really has nothing particular to do
#####   with Ethernet - the name is historical.

R$*<@$*$=m>$*           $1<@$2LOCAL>$4         convert local domain
R$*<@$+>$*              $@$1<@$2>$3            already ok
R$=D                    $@$1<@$w>              tack on my hostname
R$+                     $@$1<@$k>              tack on my mbox hostname

R$*<@$+>$*              $@$1<@$2>$3            already ok
R$+                     $@$1<@$k>              tack on my mbox hostname

#  General code to convert back to old style UUCP names
R$+<@LOCAL>             $@ $w!$1               name@LOCAL => sun!name
R$+<@$-.LOCAL>          $@ $2!$1               u@h.LOCAL => h!u
R$+<@$+.uucp>           $@ $2!$1               u@h.uucp => h!u
R$+<@$*>			$@ $2!$1               u@h => h!u
# Route-addrs do not work here.  Punt til uucp-mail comes up with something.
R<@$+>$*                $@ @$1$2               just defocus and punt
R$*<$*>$*               $@ $1$2$3              Defocus strange stuff

#	UUCP Mailer specification

Muucp,	P=/usr/bin/uux, F=msDFMhuU, S=13, R=23,
         A=uux - -r -a$f $h!rmail ($u)

# Convert uucp sender (From) field
R$+                      $:$>5$1               convert to old style
R$=w!$+                  $2                    strip local name
R$+                      $:$w!$1               stick on real host name

# Convert uucp recipient (To, Cc) fields
R$+                      $:$>5$1               convert to old style

#ident	"@(#)ddnm.m4	1.8	93/06/30 SMI"	/* SunOS 4.1	*/
#		Copyright Notice 
#Notice of copyright on this source code product does not indicate 
#	(c) 1986,1987,1988,1989  Sun Microsystems, Inc
#	          All rights reserved.

#		DDN Mailer specification
#	Send mail on the Defense Data Network
#	   (such as Arpanet or Milnet)

Mddn,	P=[TCP], F=msDFMuCX, S=22, R=22, A=TCP $h, E=\r\n

# map containing the inverse of mail.aliases
# Note that there is a special case mail.byaddr will cause reverse
# lookups in both Nis+ and NIS.
# If you want to use ONLY Nis+ for alias inversion comment out the next line
# and uncomment the line after that

R$*<@LOCAL>$*           $:$1
R$-<@$->                $:$>3${Z$1@$2$}        invert aliases
R$*<@$+.$*>$*           $@$1<@$2.$3>$4         already ok
R$+<@$+>$*              $@$1<@$2.$m>$3         tack on our domain
R$+                     $@$1<@$w.$m>           tack on our full name 

# "Smart" UUCP mailer: Uses UUCP transport but domain-style naming
Msmartuucp, P=/usr/bin/uux, F=CmsDFMhuU, S=22, R=22,
        A=uux - -r $h!rmail ($u)

#	This is the ruleset that determines which mailer a name goes to.

# Ruleset 30 just calls rulesets 3 then 0.
R$*                     $: $>3 $1              First canonicalize
R$*                     $@ $>0 $1              Then rerun ruleset 0

# On entry, the address has been canonicalized and focused by ruleset 3.
# Handle special cases.....
R@                      $#local $:$n           handle <> form

# resolve the local hostname to "LOCAL".
R$*<$*$=w.LOCAL>$*      $1<$2LOCAL>$4          thishost.LOCAL
R$*<$*$=w.uucp>$*       $1<$2LOCAL>$4          thishost.uucp
R$*<$*$=w>$*            $1<$2LOCAL>$4          thishost

# Mail addressed explicitly to the domain gateway (us)
R$*<@LOCAL>             $@$>30$1               strip our name, retry
R<@LOCAL>:$+            $@$>30$1               retry after route strip

# For numeric spec, you can't pass spec on to receiver, since old rcvr's
# are not smart enough to know that [x.y.z.a] is their own name.
R<@[$+]>:$*             $:$>9 <@[$1]>:$2       Clean it up, then...
R<@[$+]>:$*             $#ether $@[$1] $:$2    numeric internet spec
R<@[$+]>,$*             $#ether $@[$1] $:$2    numeric internet spec
R$*<@[$+]>              $#ether $@[$2] $:$1    numeric internet spec

# deliver to known ethernet hosts explicitly specified in our domain
R$*<@$%y.LOCAL>$*       $#ether $@$2 $:$1<@$2>$3
# deliver to hosts in our domain that have an MX record
R$*<@$%x.LOCAL>$*       $#ether $@$2 $:$1<@$2>$3

# etherhost.uucp is treated as etherhost.$m for now.
# This allows them to be addressed from uucp as foo!sun!etherhost!user.
R$*<@$%y.uucp>$*        $#ether $@$2 $:$1<@$2>$3      user@etherhost.uucp

# Explicitly specified names in our domain -- that we've never heard of
R$*<@$*.LOCAL>$*        $#error $:Never heard of host $2 in domain $m

# Clean up addresses for external use -- kills LOCAL, route-addr ,=>: 
R$*                     $:$>9 $1               Then continue...

# resolve UUCP-style names
R<@$-.uucp>:$+          $#uucp  $@$1 $:$2      @host.uucp:...
R$+<@$-.uucp>           $#uucp  $@$2 $:$1      user@host.uucp

# Pass other valid names up the ladder to our forwarder
#R$*<@$*.$=T>$*         $#$M    $@$R $:$1<@$2.$3>$4    user@domain.known

# Replace following with above to only forward "known" top-level domains
R$*<@$*.$+>$*           $#$M    $@$R $:$1<@$2.$3>$4    user@any.domain

# if you are on the DDN, then comment-out both of the lines above
# and use the following instead:
#R$*<@$*.$+>$*          $#ddn $@ $2.$3 $:$1<@$2.$3>$4  user@any.domain

# All addresses in the rules ABOVE are absolute (fully qualified domains).
# Addresses BELOW can be partially qualified.

# deliver to known ethernet hosts
R$*<@$%y>$*             $#ether $@$2 $:$1<@$2>$3       user@etherhost
# deliver to known ethernet hosts that have an MX record
R$*<@$%x>$*             $#ether $@$2 $:$1<@$2>$3       user@etherhost

# other non-local names have nowhere to go; return them to sender.
R$*<@$+.$->$*           $#error $:Unknown domain $3
R$*<@$+>$*              $#error $:Never heard of $2 in domain $m
R$*@$*                  $#error $:I don't understand $1@$2

# Local names with % are really not local!
R$+%$+                  $@$>30$1@$2			     turn % => @, retry

# everything else is a local name
R$+                     $#local $:$1            local names