Mail Administration Guide

How to Test the sendmail Rule Sets

  1. Type /usr/lib/sendmail -bt and press Return.

    Information is displayed.

  2. At the last prompt (>) type a 3,0 (zero) and the mail address you want to test.

  3. Type Control-d to end the session.

Here is an example of the output:

% /usr/lib/sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> 3,0 shimara@raks
rewrite: ruleset  3   input: shimara @ raks
rewrite: ruleset  6   input: shimara <@ raks>
rewrite: ruleset  6 returns: shimara <@ raks>
rewrite: ruleset  3 returns: shimara <@ raks>
rewrite: ruleset  0   input: shimara <@ raks>
rewrite: ruleset  9   input: shimara <@ raks>
rewrite: ruleset  9 returns: shimara <@ raks>
rewrite: ruleset  0 returns: $# ether $# mailhost $: shimara < @ raks >

See Chapter 3, Customizing sendmail Configuration Files, for a complete description of the diagnostic information.