Mail Administration Guide

How to Add Aliases to a NIS+ mail_aliases Table From the Command Line

If you are creating a completely new NIS+ mail_aliases table, you first must initiate the NIS+ table.

To Initiate a NIS+ Table

    Type aliasadm -I and press Return.

To Add Aliases to a NIS+ mail_aliases Table From the Command Line

  1. Compile a list of each of your mail clients, the locations of their mailboxes, and the names of the mail server systems.

  2. Become root on any system.

  3. For each alias, type aliasadm -a alias expanded_alias [options comments] and press Return.

    This adds the aliases to the NIS+ aliases table.

    # aliasadm -a iggy iggy.ignatz@saturn "Iggy Ignatz"
  4. Type aliasadm -m alias and press Return.

    This displays the entry you created.

  5. Check that the entry is correct.