Programming Utilities Guide

Linking with System-Supplied Libraries

The next example shows a makefile that compiles a program that uses the curses and termlib library packages for screen-oriented cursor motion.

Table 4-10 Makefile for a C Program with System-Supplied Libraries
# Makefile for a C program with curses
# and termlib.  



functions: main.o data.o 
        	$(LINK.c) -o $@ main.o data.o -lcurses
lint: main.ln data.ln 
        	$(LINT.c) main.ln data.ln 
main.ln data.ln: 
        	$(LINT.c) $@ -i 
        	rm -f functions main.o data.o main.ln \

Because the link editor resolves undefined symbols as they are encountered, it is normally a good idea to place library references at the end of the list of files to link.

This makefile produces:

$ make 
cc -O -c main.c 
cc -O -c data.c 
cc -O -o functions main.o data.o -lcurses -ltermlib