Programming Utilities Guide

Process Filtering

If you want to trace all system activity (for example, on a busy server), you can proceed to "Enabling and Disabling Tracing". This is the most common use of kernel tracing, and usually the most informative.

However, you also have the option of restricting trace data generation to selected processes; this can reduce the amount of data you need to collect and analyze.

prex uses two abstractions to allow you to do process filtering.

Use the prex pfilter command to control process filtering.

prex> pfilter             			# are we filtering?
Process filtering is off 	
Process filter set is empty. 	
prex> pfilter add 408     		# add PID 408 to filter set 	
prex> pfilter 	
Process filtering is off 	
Process filter set is {408} 	
prex> pfilter on          		# enable process filter mode 	

Note -

System threads (such as interrupt threads) are treated as belonging to process 0.