System Interface Guide


POSIX interprocess communication is a variation of System V interprocess communication. It is new in Solaris 2.6. Like System V objects, POSIX IPC object have read and write (but not execute) permissions for the owner, the owner's group, and for others. There is no way for the owner of a POSIX IPC object to assign a different owner.

Unlike the System V IPC interfaces, the POSIX IPC interfaces are all multithread safe.

POSIX Messages

The POSIX message queue interfaces are:


Connects to, and optionally creates, a named message queue. 


Ends the connection to an open message queue. 


Ends the connection to an open message queue and causes the queue to be removed when the last process closes it. 


Places a message in the queue. 


Receives (removes) the oldest, highest priority message from the queue. 


Notifies a process or thread that a message is available in the queue. 

mq_setattr(3R), mq_getattr(3R)

Set or get message queue attributes. 

POSIX Semaphores

POSIX semaphores are much lighter weight than are System V semaphores. A POSIX semaphore structure defines a single semaphore, not an array of up to twenty five semaphores.

The POSIX semaphore interfaces are


Connects to, and optionally creates, a named semaphore; 


Initializes a semaphore structure (internal to the calling program, so not a named semaphore). 


Ends the connection to an open semaphore. 


Ends the connection to an open semaphore and causes the semaphore to be removed when the last process closes it. 


Initializes a semaphore structure (internal to the calling program, so not a named semaphore). 


Copies the value of the semaphore into the specified integer. 

sem_wait(3R), sem_trywait(3R)

Blocks while the semaphore is held by other processes or returns an error if the semaphore is held by another process. 


Increments the count of the semaphore. 

POSIX Shared Memory

POSIX shared memory is actually a variation of mapped memory (see "Creating and Using Mappings"). The major differences are to use shm_open(3R) to open the shared memory object (instead of calling open(2)) and use shm_unlink(3R) to close and delete the object (instead of calling close(2) which does not remove the object). The options in shm_open(3R) are substantially fewer than the number of options provided in open(2).