ONC+ Developer's Guide

Chapter 3 rpcgen Programming Guide

This chapter introduces the rpcgen tool and provides a tutorial with code examples and usage of the available compile-time flags. See Glossary for the definition of the terms used in this chapter.

What is rpcgen

The rpcgen tool generates remote program interface modules. It compiles source code written in the RPC Language. RPC Language is similar in syntax and structure to C. rpcgen produces one or more C language source modules, which are then compiled by a C compiler.

The default output of rpcgen is:

rpcgen can optionally generate:

rpcgen significantly reduces the development time that would otherwise be spent developing low-level routines. Handwritten routines link easily with the rpcgen output. (For a discussion of RPC programming without rpcgen, see Chapter 4, The Programmer's Interface to RPC.)

SunOS 5.x Features

This section lists the features found in the SunOS 5.x rpcgen code generator that are not found in the SunOS 4.x version.

Template Generation

rpcgen generates client-side, server-side, and makefile templates. See "Client and Server Templates" for the list of options.

C-style Mode

rpcgen has two compilation modes, C-style and default. C-style mode lets arguments be passed by value, instead of as pointers to a structure. It also supports passing multiple arguments. The default mode is the same as in previous releases. See "C-style Mode" for the example code for both modes.

Multithread-Safe Code

rpcgen can now generate MT-safe code for use in a threaded environment. By default, the code generated by rpcgen is not MT-safe. See "MT-Safe Code" for the description and example code.

Multithread Auto Mode

rpcgen can generate MT-safe server stubs that operate in the MT Auto mode. See "MT Auto Mode" for the definition and example code.

Library Selection

rpcgen can use library calls for either TS-RPC or TI-RPC. See "TI-RPC or TS-RPC Library Selection".

ANSI C -compliant Code

The output generated by rpcgen conforms to ANSI C standards. The code can also be used in the SPARCompilerTM C++ 3.0 environment. See " ANSI C-compliant Code".

An rpcgen Tutorial

rpcgen provides programmers a simple and direct way to write distributed applications. Server procedures may be written in any language that observes procedure-calling conventions. They are linked with the server stub produced by rpcgen to form an executable server program. Client procedures are written and linked in the same way.

This section presents some basic rpcgen programming examples. Refer also to the rpcgen(1)manpage.

Converting Local Procedures to Remote Procedures

Assume that an application runs on a single computer and you want to convert it to run in a "distributed" manner on a network. This example shows the stepwise conversion of this program that writes a message to the system console. Example 3-1shows the original program.

Example 3-1 Single Process Version of printmesg.c

/* printmsg.c: print a message on the console */
#include <stdio.h>
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	char *message;
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <message>\n",
	message = argv[1];
	if (!printmessage(message)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: couldn't print your
	printf("Message Delivered!\n");
/* Print a message to the console.
 * Return a boolean indicating whether
 * the message was actually printed. */
	char *msg;
	FILE *f;
	f = fopen("/dev/console", "w");
	if (f == (FILE *)NULL) {
		return (0);
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", msg);

For local use on a single machine, this program could be compiled and executed as follows:

$ cc printmsg.c -o printmsg
 $ printmsg "Hello, there."
 Message delivered!

If the printmessage() function is turned into a remote procedure, it can be called from anywhere in the network. rpcgen makes it easy to do this.

First, determine the data types of all procedure-calling arguments and the result argument. The calling argument of printmessage() is a string, and the result is an integer. We can write a protocol specification in RPC language that describes the remote version of printmessage(). The RPC language source code for such a specification is:

/* msg.x: Remote msg printing protocol */
 program MESSAGEPROG {
        int PRINTMESSAGE(string) = 1;
 	 } = 1;
} = 0x20000001;

Remote procedures are always declared as part of remote programs. The code above declares an entire remote program that contains the single procedure PRINTMESSAGE. In this example, the PRINTMESSAGE procedure is declared to be procedure 1, in version 1 of the remote program MESSAGEPROG, with the program number 0x20000001. (See Appendix B, RPC Protocol and Language Specification for guidance on choosing program numbers.) Version numbers are incremented when functionality is changed in the remote program. Existing procedures can be changed or new ones can be added. More than one version of a remote program can be defined and a version can have more than one procedure defined.

Note that the program and procedure names are declared with all capital letters. This is not required, but is a good convention to follow.

Note also that the argument type is string and not char * as it would be in C. This is because a char * in C is ambiguous. char usually means an array of characters, but it could also represent a pointer to a single character. In RPC language, a null-terminated array of char is called a string.

There are just two more programs to write:

Example 3-2is a remote procedure that implements the PRINTMESSAGE procedure in Example 3-1.

Example 3-2 RPC Version of printmsg.c

 * msg_proc.c: implementation of the
 * remote procedure "printmessage"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "msg.h"				/* msg.h generated by rpcgen */
int *
printmessage_1(msg, req)
	char **msg;	
	struct svc_req *req;		/* details of call */
	static int result;			/* must be static! */
	FILE *f;
	f = fopen("/dev/console", "w");
	if (f == (FILE *)NULL) {
		result = 0;
		return (&result);
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", *msg);
	result = 1;
	return (&result);

Note that the declaration of the remote procedure printmessage_1() differs from that of the local procedure printmessage() in four ways:

  1. It takes a pointer to the character array instead of the pointer itself. This is true of all remote procedures when the -N option is not used: They always take pointers to their arguments rather than the arguments themselves. Without the -N option, remote procedures are always called with a single argument. If more than one argument is required the arguments must be passed in a struct.

  2. It is called with two arguments. The second argument contains information on the context of an invocation: the program, version, and procedure numbers, raw and canonical credentials, and an SVCXPRT structure pointer (the SVCXPRT structure contains transport information). This information is made available in case the invoked procedure requires it to perform the request.

  3. It returns a pointer to an integer instead of the integer itself. This is also true of remote procedures when the -N option is not used: They return pointers to the result. The result should be declared static unless the -M (multithread) or -A (Auto mode) options are used. Ordinarily, if the result is declared local to the remote procedure, references to it by the server stub are invalid after the remote procedure returns. In the case of -M and -A options, a pointer to the result is passed as a third argument to the procedure, so the result is not declared in the procedure.

  4. An _1 is appended to its name. In general, all remote procedures calls generated by rpcgen are named as follows: the procedure name in the program definition (here PRINTMESSAGE) is converted to all lowercase letters, an underbar (_) is appended to it, and the version number (here 1) is appended. This naming scheme allows multiple versions of the same procedure.

Example 3-3 shows the main client program that calls the remote procedure.

Example 3-3 Client Program to Call printmsg.c

 * rprintmsg.c: remote version
 * of "printmsg.c"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "msg.h"			/* msg.h generated by rpcgen */
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	CLIENT *clnt;
	int *result;
	char *server;
	char *message;
	if (argc != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host 
					message\n", argv[0]);
	server = argv[1];
	message = argv[2];
	 * Create client "handle" used for 
 * calling MESSAGEPROG on the server
	 * designated on the command line.
	clnt = clnt_create(server, MESSAGEPROG,
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *)NULL) {
		 * Couldn't establish connection
    * with server.
		 * Print error message and die.
	 * Call the remote procedure
 * "printmessage" on the server
	result = printmessage_1(&message, clnt);
	if (result == (int *)NULL) {
		 * An error occurred while calling 
    * the server.
		 * Print error message and die.
		clnt_perror(clnt, server);
	/* Okay, we successfully called 
 * the remote procedure. 
	if (*result == 0) {
		 * Server was unable to print 
    * our message.
		 * Print error message and die.
		"%s: could not print your message\n",argv[0]);
	/* The message got printed on the
 * server's console
	printf("Message delivered to %s\n",
	clnt_destroy( clnt );

Note the following about Example 3-3:

  1. First, a client handle is created by the RPC library routine clnt_create(). This client handle is passed to the stub routine that calls the remote procedure. (The client handle can be created in other ways as well. See Chapter 4, The Programmer's Interface to RPC" for details.) If no more calls are to be made using the client handle, destroy it with a call to clnt_destroy() to conserve system resources.

  2. The last parameter to clnt_create() is visible, which specifies that any transport noted as visible in /etc/netconfig can be used. For further information on this, see the /etc/netconfig file and its description in Transport Interfaces Programming Guide.

  3. The remote procedure printmessage_1() is called exactly the same way as it is declared in msg_proc.c, except for the inserted client handle as the second argument. It also returns a pointer to the result instead of the result.

  4. The remote procedure call can fail in two ways. The RPC mechanism can fail or there can be an error in the execution of the remote procedure. In the former case, the remote procedure printmessage_1() returns a NULL. In the latter case, the error reporting is application dependent. Here, the error is returned through *result.

Here are the compile commands for the printmsg example:

$	rpcgen msg.x
 $	cc rprintmsg.c msg_clnt.c -o rprintmsg -lnsl
 $	cc msg_proc.c msg_svc.c -o msg_server -lnsl

First, rpcgen was used to generate the header files (msg.h), client stub (msg_clnt.c), and server stub (msg_svc.c). Then, two programs are compiled: the client program rprintmsg and the server program msg_server. The C object files must be linked with the library libnsl, which contains all of the networking functions, including those for RPC and XDR.

In this example, no XDR routines were generated because the application uses only the basic types that are included in libnsl.

Here is what rpcgen did with the input file msg.x:

  1. It created a header file called msg.h that contained #define statements for MESSAGEPROG, MESSAGEVERS, and PRINTMESSAGE for use in the other modules. This file must be included by both the client and server modules.

  2. It created the client stub routines in the msg_clnt.c file. Here there is only one, the printmessage_1() routine, that was called from the rprintmsg client program. If the name of an rpcgen input file is FOO.x, the client stub's output file is called FOO_clnt.c.

  3. It created the server program in msg_svc.c that calls printmessage_1() from msg_proc.c. The rule for naming the server output file is similar to that of the client: for an input file called FOO.x, the output server file is named FOO_svc.c.

Once created, the server program is installed on a remote machine and run. (If the machines are homogeneous, the server binary can just be copied. If they are not, the server source files must be copied to and compiled on the remote machine.) For this example, the remote machine is called remote and the local machine is called local. The server is started from the shell on the remote system:

remote$ msg_server

Server processes generated with rpcgen always run in the background. It is not necessary to follow the server's invocation with an ampersand (&). Servers generated by rpcgen can also be invoked by port monitors like listen() and inetd(), instead of from the command line.

Thereafter, a user on local can print a message on the console of machine remote as follows:

local$ rprintmsg remote "Hello, there."

Using rprintmsg, a user can print a message on any system console (including the local console) when the server msg_server is running on the target system.

Passing Complex Data Structures

"Converting Local Procedures to Remote Procedures " shows how to generate client and server RPC code. rpcgen can also be used to generate XDR routines (the routines that convert local data structures into XDR format and vice versa).

Example 3-4 presents a complete RPC service: a remote directory listing service, built using rpcgen both to generate stub routines and to generate the XDR routines.

Example 3-4 RPC Protocol Description File: dir.x

 * dir.x: Remote directory listing protocol
 * This example demonstrates the functions of rpcgen.
const MAXNAMELEN = 255;						/* max length of directory
entry */
typedef string nametype<MAXNAMELEN>;		/* director entry */
typedef struct namenode *namelist;			/* link in the listing */
/* A node in the directory listing */
struct namenode {
	nametype name;						/* name of directory entry */
	namelist next;						/* next entry */
 * The result of a READDIR operation
 * a truly portable application would use
 * an agreed upon list of error codes
 * rather than (as this sample program
 * does) rely upon passing UNIX errno's
 * back.
 * In this example: The union is used 
 * here to discriminate between successful
 * and unsuccessful remote calls.
union readdir_res switch (int errno) {
	case 0:
		namelist list;		/* no error: return directory listing */
		void;					/* error occurred: nothing else to return */
/* The directory program definition */
program DIRPROG {
	version DIRVERS {
		READDIR(nametype) = 1;
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000076; 

You can redefine types (like readdir_res in the example above) using the struct, union, and enum RPC language keywords. These keywords are not used in later declarations of variables of those types. For example, if you define a union, foo, you declare using only foo, and not union foo.

rpcgen compiles RPC unions into C structures. Do not declare C unions using the union keyword.

Running rpcgen on dir.x generates four output files: (1) the header file, (2) the client stub, (3) the server skeleton, and (4) the XDR routines in the file dir_xdr.c. This last file contains the XDR routines to convert declared data types from the host platform representation into XDR format, and vice versa.

For each RPCL data type used in the.x file, rpcgen assumes that libnsl contains a routine whose name is the name of the data type, prepended by the XDR routine header xdr_ (for example, xdr_int). If a data type is defined in the.x file, rpcgen generates the required xdr_ routine. If there is no data type definition in the.x source file (for example, msg.x), then no _xdr.c file is generated.

You can write a.x source file that uses a data type not supported by libnsl, and deliberately omit defining the type (in the.x file). In doing so, you must provide the xdr_ routine. This is a way to provide your own customized xdr_ routines. See Chapter 4, The Programmer's Interface to RPC," for more details on passing arbitrary data types. The server-side of the READDIR procedure is shown in Example 3-5.

Example 3-5 Server dir_proc.c Example

 * dir_proc.c: remote readdir
 * implementation
#include <dirent.h>
#include "dir.h"                /* Created by rpcgen */
extern int errno;
extern char *malloc();
extern char *strdup();
readdir_res *
readdir_1(dirname, req)
	nametype *dirname;
	struct svc_req *req;
	DIR *dirp;
	struct dirent *d;
	namelist nl;
	namelist *nlp;
	static readdir_res res; /* must be static! */
	/* Open directory */
	dirp = opendir(*dirname);
	if (dirp == (DIR *)NULL) {
		res.errno = errno;
		return (&res);
	/* Free previous result */
	xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, &res);
	 * Collect directory entries.
 * Memory allocated here is free by
	 * xdr_free the next time readdir_1
 * is called
	nlp = &res.readdir_res_u.list;
	while (d = readdir(dirp)) {
		nl = *nlp = (namenode *) 
		if (nl == (namenode *) NULL) {
			res.errno = EAGAIN;
		nl->name = strdup(d->d_name);
		nlp = &nl->next;
	*nlp = (namelist)NULL;
	/* Return the result */
	res.errno = 0;
	return (&res);

Example 3-6shows the client-side implementation of the READDIR procedure.

Example 3-6 Client-side Implementation of rls.c

 * rls.c: Remote directory listing client
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dir.h"                       /* generated by rpcgen */
extern int errno;
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	CLIENT *clnt;
	char *server;
	char *dir;
	readdir_res *result;
	namelist nl;
	if (argc != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host 
	server = argv[1];
	dir = argv[2];
	 * Create client "handle" used for
 * calling MESSAGEPROG on the server
 * designated on the command line.
	cl = clnt_create(server, DIRPROG,
								DIRVERS, "tcp");
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *)NULL) {
	result = readdir_1(&dir, clnt);
	if (result == (readdir_res *)NULL) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, server);
	/* Okay, we successfully called
 * the remote procedure.
	if (result->errno != 0) {
		/* Remote system error. Print
    * error message and die.
		errno = result->errno;
	/* Successfully got a directory listing.
 * Print it.
	for (nl = result->readdir_res_u.list;
								nl != NULL;
		nl = nl->next) {
		printf("%s\n", nl->name);
	xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, result);

As in other examples, execution is on systems named local and remote. The files are compiled and run as follows:

remote$ rpcgen dir.x
 remote$ cc -c dir_xdr.c
 remote$ cc rls.c dir_clnt.c dir_xdr.o -o rls -lnsl
 remote$ cc dir_svc.c dir_proc.c dir_xdr.o -o dir_svc -lnsl
 remote$ dir_svc

When you install rls() on system local, you can list the contents of /usr/share/lib on system remote as follows:

local$ rls remote /usr/share/lib

rpcgen generated client code does not release the memory allocated for the results of the RPC call. Call xdr_free() to release the memory when you are finished with it. It is similar to calling the free() routine, except that you pass the XDR routine for the result. In this example, after printing the list, xdr_free(xdr_readdir_res, result); was called.

Note -

Use xdr_free() to release memory allocated by malloc(). Failure to use xdr_free() to release memory results in memory leaks.

Preprocessing Directives

rpcgen supports C and other preprocessing features. C preprocessing is performed on rpcgen input files before they are compiled. All standard C preprocessing directives are allowed in the.x source files. Depending on the type of output file being generated, five symbols are defined by rpcgen.

rpcgen provides an additional preprocessing feature: any line that begins with a percent sign (%) is passed directly to the output file, with no action on the line's content. Caution is required because rpcgen does not always place the lines where you intend. Check the output source file and, if needed, edit it.

Table 3-1 rpcgen Preprocessing Directives




Header file output 


XDR routine output 


Server stub output 


Client stub output 


Index table output 

Example 3-7 is a simple rpcgen example. Note the use of rpcgen`s pre-processing features.

Example 3-7 Time Protocol rpcgen Source

 * time.x: Remote time protocol
program TIMEPROG {
	version TIMEVERS {
			unsigned int TIMEGET() = 1;
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000044;

#ifdef RPC_SVC
%int *
%	static int thetime;
%	thetime = time(0);
%	return (&thetime);

cpp Directive

rpcgen supports C preprocessing features. rpcgen defaults to use /usr/ccs/lib/cpp as the C preprocessor. If that fails, rpcgen tries to use /lib/cpp. You may specify a library containing a different cpp to rpcgen with the -Y flag.

For example, if /usr/local/bin/cpp exists, you can specify it to rpcgen as follows:

rpcgen -Y /usr/local/bin test.x

Compile-Time Flags

This section describes the rpcgen options available at compile time. The following table summarizes the options which are discussed in this section.

Table 3-2 rpcgen Compile-time Flags





-a, -Sc, -Ss, -Sm

See Table 3-3



Also called Newstyle mode 



Often used with the -N option 

MT-Safe code


For use in multithreaded environments 

MT Auto mode


-A also turns on -M option 

TS-RPC library


TI-RPC library is default 

xdr_inline count


Uses 5 packed elements as default, but other number may be specified

Client and Server Templates

rpcgen generates sample code for the client and server sides. Use these options to generate the desired templates.

Table 3-3 rpcgen Template Selection Flags




Generate all template files 


Generate client-side template 


Generate server-side template 


Generate makefile template 

The files can be used as guides or by filling in the missing parts. These files are in addition to the stubs generated.

A C-style mode server template is generated from the add.x source by the command:

rpcgen -N -Ss -o add_server_template.c add.x

The result is stored in the file add_server_template.c. A C-style mode, client template for the same add.x source is generated with the command line:

rpcgen -N -Sc -o add_client_template.c add.x

The result is stored in the file add_client_template.c. A make file template for the same add.x source is generated with the command line:

rpcgen -N -Sm -o mkfile_template add.x

The result is stored in the file mkfile_template. It can be used to compile the client and the server. If the -a flag is used as follows:

rpcgen -N -a add.x

rpcgen generates all three template files. The client template goes into add_client.c, the server template to add_server.c, and the makefile template to makefile.a. If any of these files already exists, rpcgen displays an error message and exits.

Note -

When you generate template files, give them new names to avoid the files being overwritten the next time rpcgen is executed.

C-style Mode

Also called Newstyle mode, The -N flag causes rpcgen to produce code in which arguments are passed by value and multiple arguments are passed without a struct. These changes allow RPC code that is more like C and other high-level languages. For compatibility with existing programs and make files, the previous (standard) mode of argument passing is the default. The following examples demonstrate the new feature. The source modules for both modes, C-style and default, are given in Example 3-8and in Example 3-9 respectively.

Example 3-8 C-style Mode Version of add.x

 * This program contains a procedure
 * to add 2 numbers. It demonstrates
 * the C-style mode argument passing.
 * Note that add() has 2 arguments.
program ADDPROG {					/* program number */
	version ADDVER {					/* version number */
		int add(int, int) = 1;		/* procedure */
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000199;

Example 3-9 Default Mode Version of add.x

 * This program contains a procedure
 * to add 2 numbers. It demonstrates
 * the "default" mode argument passing.
 * In this mode rpcgen can process
 * only one argument.
struct add_arg {
	int first;
	int second;
program ADDPROG {					/* program number */
	version ADDVER {					/* version number */
		int add (add_arg) = 1;		/* procedure */
	} = 1;
} = 0x20000199;

The next four figures show the resulting client-side templates.

Example 3-10 C-style Mode Client Stub for add.x

 * The C-style client side main
 * routine calls the  add() function
 * on the remote rpc server
#include <stdio.h>
#include "add.h"
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
	CLIENT *clnt;
	int *result,x,y;
	if(argc != 4) {
		printf("usage: %s host num1 
					num2\n" argv[0]);
	/* create client handle -
 * bind to server
	clnt = clnt_create(argv[1], ADDPROG,
								ADDVER, "udp");
	if (clnt == NULL) {
	x = atoi(argv[2]);
	y = atoi(argv[3]);
	 * invoke remote procedure: Note that
 * multiple arguments can be passed to
	 * add_l() instead of a pointer
	result = add_1(x, y, clnt);
	if (result == (int *) NULL) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed:");
	} else {
		printf("Success: %d + %d = %d\n", 
					x, y, *result);

Example 3-11 shows how the default mode code differs from C-style mode code.

Example 3-11 Default Mode Client

	arg.first = atoi(argv[2]);
	arg.second = atoi(argv[3]);
	 * invoke remote procedure -- note 
 * that a pointer to the argument has
	 * to be passed to the client stub
	result = add_1(&arg, clnt);

The server-side procedure in C-style mode is shown in Example 3-12.

Example 3-12 C-style Mode Server

#include "add.h"

int *
add_1(arg1, arg2, rqstp)
	int arg1;
	int arg2;
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	static int result;

	result = arg1 + arg2;

The server side procedure in default mode is shown in Example 3-13.

Example 3-13 Default Mode Server Stub

#include "add.h"
int *
add_1(argp, rqstp)
	add_arg *argp;
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	static int result;

	result = argp->first + argp->second;

MT-Safe Code

By default, the code generated by rpcgen is not MT safe. It uses unprotected global variables and returns results in the form of static variables. The -M flag generates MT-safe code which can be used in a multithreaded environment. This can be used with the C-style flag, the ANSI C flag, or both.

An example of an MT-safe program with this interface follows. The rpcgen protocol file is msg.x, shown in Example 3-14.

Example 3-14 MT-Safe Program: msg.

        int PRINTMESSAGE(string) = 1;
        } = 1;
} = 0x4001;

A string is passed to the remote procedure, which prints it and returns the length of the string to the client. The MT-Safe stubs are generated with:

% rpcgen -M msg.x

A possible client-side code that could be used with this is shown in Example 3-15.

Example 3-15 MT-Safe Client Stub

#include "msg.h"
	char *host;
	CLIENT *clnt;
	enum clnt_stat retval_1;
	int result_1;
	char * printmessage_1_arg;
	clnt = clnt_create(host, MESSAGEPROG, 
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
	printmessage_1_arg = 
							(char *) malloc(256);
	strcpy(printmessage_1_arg, "Hello World");
	retval_1 = printmessage_1(&printmessage_1_arg,
	if (retval_1 != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed");
	printf("result = %d\n", result_1);
main(argc, argv)
	int argc;
	char *argv[];
	char *host;
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("usage:  %s server_host\n", argv[0]);
	host = argv[1];

Note that a pointer to both the arguments and the results needs to be passed in to the rpcgen-generated code. This is to preserve reentrancy. The value returned by the stub function indicates whether this call is a success or a failure. The stub returns RPC_SUCCESS if the call is successful. Compare the MT-safe client stub (generated with the -M option) and the not MT-safe client stub shown in Example 3-16. The client stub that is not MT safe uses a static to store returned results and can use only one thread at a time.

Example 3-16 Client Stub (Not MT Safe)

int *
printmessage_1(argp, clnt)
	char **argp;
	CLIENT *clnt;
	static int clnt_res;
	memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, 
								sizeof (clnt_res));
	if (clnt_call(clnt, PRINTMESSAGE,
		(xdrproc_t) xdr_wrapstring, 
										(caddr_t) argp,
		(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (caddr_t) 
		return (NULL);
	return (&clnt_res);

The server side code is shown in Example 3-17.

Note -

When compiling a server that uses MT-safe mode, you must link in the threads library. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

Example 3-17 MT-Safe Server Stub

#include "msg.h"
#include <syslog.h>
printmessage_1_svc(argp, result, rqstp)
	char **argp;
	int *result;
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	int retval;
	if (*argp == NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "argp is NULL\n");
		*result = 0;
	else {
		syslog("argp is %s\n", *argp);
		*result = strlen (*argp);
	retval = 1;
	return (retval);
messageprog_1_freeresult(transp, xdr_result, result)
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	xdrproc_t xdr_result;
	caddr_t result;
	 * Insert additional freeing code here,
 * if needed
	(void) xdr_free(xdr_result, result);

The server side code should not use statics to store returned results. A pointer to the result is passed in and this should be used to pass the result back to the calling routine. A return value of 1 indicates success to the calling routine, while 0 indicates a failure.

In addition, the code generated by rpcgen also generates a call to a routine to free any memory that may have been allocated when the procedure was called. To prevent memory leaks, any memory allocated in the service routine needs to be freed in this routine. messageprog_1_freeresult() frees the memory.

Normally, xdr_free() frees any allocated memory for you (in this case, no memory was allocated, so no freeing needs to take place).

As an example of the use of the -M flag with the C-style and ANSI C flag, consider the following file, add.x, shown in Example 3-18.

Example 3-18 MT-Safe Program: add.x

program ADDPROG {
	version ADDVER {	
	int add(int, int) = 1;
	} = 1;
}= 199;

This program adds two numbers and returns its result to the client. rpcgen is invoked on it, with the following command: % rpcgen -N -M -C add.x The multithreaded client code to call this is shown in Example 3-19.

Example 3-19 MT-Safe Client: add.x

 * This client-side main routine
 * starts up a number of threads,
 * each of which calls the server
 * concurrently.
#include "add.h"
CLIENT *clnt;
#define NUMCLIENTS 5
struct argrec {
	int arg1;
	int arg2;
/* Keeps count of number of
 * threads running
int numrunning;
mutex_t numrun_lock;
cond_t condnum;
addprog(struct argrec *args)
	enum clnt_stat retval;
	int result;
	/* call server code */
	retval = add_1(args->arg1, args->arg2,
											&result, clnt);
	if (retval != RPC_SUCCESS) {
		clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed");
	} else
		printf("thread #%x call succeeded,
					result = %d\n", thr_getself(),
	/* decrement the number of running
 * threads
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *host;
	struct argrec args[NUMCLIENTS];
	int i;
	thread_t mt;
	int ret;
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("usage:  %s server_host\n",
	host = argv[1];
	clnt = clnt_create(host, ADDPROG, ADDVER,
	if (clnt == (CLIENT *) NULL) {
	mutex_init(&numrun_lock, USYNC_THREAD, NULL);
	cond_init(&condnum, USYNC_THREAD, NULL);
	numrunning = 0;
	/* Start up separate threads */
	for (i = 0; i < NUMCLIENTS; i++) {
		args[i].arg1 = i;
		args[i].arg2 = i + 1;
		ret = thr_create(NULL, NULL, addprog,
									(char *) &args[i],
				 					THR_NEW_LWP, &mt);
		if (ret == 0)
	/* are any threads still running ? */
	while (numrunning != 0)
		cond_wait(&condnum, &numrun_lock);

The server-side procedure is shown in Example 3-20.

Note -

When compiling a server that uses MT-safe mode, you must link in the threads library. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

Example 3-20 MT-Safe Server: add.x

add_1_svc(int arg1, int arg2, 
						int *result, struct svc_req *rqstp)
	bool_t retval;
	/* Compute result */
	*result = arg1 + arg2;
	retval = 1;
	return (retval);

/* Routine for freeing memory that may
 * be allocated in the server procedure
addprog_1_freeresult(SVCXPRT *transp,
									xdrproc_t xdr_result,
									caddr_t result)

	(void) xdr_free(xdr_result, result);

MT Auto Mode

MT Auto mode enables RPC servers to automatically use Solaris threads to process client requests concurrently. Use the -A option to generate RPC code in MT Auto mode. The -A option also has the effect of turning on the -M option, so -M does not need to be explicitly specified. The -M option is necessary because any code generated has to be multithread safe.

Further discussion on multithreaded RPC begins on "Multithreaded RPC Programming"; see also "MT Auto Mode".

Here is an example of an Auto mode program generated by rpcgen. The rpcgen protocol filetime.x is shown in Example 3-21. A string is passed to the remote procedure, which prints it and returns the length of the string to the client. The MT-safe stubs are generated with:

Example 3-21 MT Auto Mode: time.x

		program TIMEPROG {
			version TIMEVERS {
				unsigned int TIMEGET(void) = 1;
				void TIMESET(unsigned) = 2;
			} = 1;
		} = 0x20000044;

% rpcgen -A time.x

Note -

When the -A option is used, the generated server code will contain instructions for enabling MT Auto mode for the server.

When compiling a server that uses MT Auto mode, you must link in the threads library. To do this, specify the -lthread option in the compile command.

TI-RPC or TS-RPC Library Selection

In older SunOS releases, rpcgen created stubs that used the socket functions. With the current SunOS release, you can use either the transport-independent RPC (TI-RPC) or the transport-specific socket (TS-RPC) routines. This provides backward compatibility with previous releases. The default uses the TI-RPC interfaces. The -b flag tells rpcgen to create TS-RPC variant source code as its output.

ANSI C-compliant Code

rpcgen can also produce output that is compatible with ANSI C or SPARCompiler C++ 3.0. This feature is selected with the -C compile flag and is most often used with the -N flag, described in "C-style Mode".

The add.x example of the server template is generated by the command:

rpcgen -N -C -Ss -o add_server_template.c add.x

It is important to note that on the C++ 3.0 server, remote procedure names require an _svc suffix. In the following example, the add.x template and the -C compile flag produce the client side add_1 and the server stub add_1_svc.

Example 3-22 rpcgen ANSI C Server Template

 * This is a template. Use it to
 * develop your own functions.
#include <c_varieties.h>
#include "add.h"
int *
add_1_svc(int arg1, int arg2,
					struct svc_req *rqstp)
	static int result;
	 * insert server code here

This output conforms to the syntax requirements and structure of ANSI C. The header files that are generated when this option is invoked can be used with ANSI C or with C++.

xdr_inline() Count

rpcgen tries to generate more efficient code by using xdr_inline() when possible (see xdr_admin(3) manpage). When a structure contains elements that xdr_inline() can be used on (for example integer, long, bool), the relevant portion of the structure is packed with xdr_inline(). A default of five or more packed elements in sequence causes in-line code to be generated. This default can be changed with the -i flag. For example:

rpcgen -i 3 test.x

causes rpcgen to start generating in-line code after three qualifying elements are found in sequence. The example:

rpcgen -i 0 test.x

prevents any in-line code from being generated.

In most situations, there is no reason to use the -i flag. The _xdr.c stub is the only file affected by this feature.

rpcgen Programming Techniques

This section suggests some common RPC and rpcgen programming techniques. Each topic is covered in its own subsection.

Network Types/Transport Selection

rpcgen takes optional arguments that allow a programmer to specify desired network types or specific network identifiers. (For details of network selection, see Transport Interfaces Programming Guide).

The -s flag creates a server that responds to requests on the specified type of transport. For example, the invocation

rpcgen -s datagram_n prot.x

writes a server to standard output that responds to any of the connectionless transports specified in the NETPATH environment variable (or in /etc/netconfig, if NETPATH is not defined). A command line can contain multiple -s flags and their network types.

Similarly, the -n flag creates a server that responds only to requests from the transport specified by a single network identifier.

Caution - Caution -

Be careful using servers created by rpcgen with the -n flag. Network identifiers are host specific, so the resulting server may not run as expected on other hosts.

Command Line Define Statements

You can define C-preprocessing symbols and assign values to them from the command line. Command line define statements can, for example, be used to generate conditional debugging code when the DEBUG symbol is defined. For example:

$ rpcgen -DDEBUG proto.x

Server Response to Broadcast Calls

When a procedure has been called through broadcast RPC and cannot provide a useful response, the server should send no reply to the client. This reduces network traffic. To prevent the server from replying, a remote procedure can return NULL as its result. The server code generated by rpcgen detects this and sends no reply.

Example 3-23is a procedure that replies only if it is an NFS server.

Example 3-23 NFS Server Response to Broadcast Calls

void *
	char notnull; /*only here so we can
						 *use its address

	if( access( "/etc/dfs/sharetab",
						F_OK ) < 0 ) {
		/* prevent RPC from replying */
		return( (void *) NULL );
	/* assign notnull a non-null value
 * so RPC will send a reply
	return( (void *) &notnull );

A procedure must return a non-NULL pointer when it wants RPC library routines to send a reply.

In Example 3-23, if the procedure reply_if_nfsserver() is defined to return non void values, the return value (&notnull) should point to a static variable.

Port Monitor Support

Port monitors such as inetd and listen can monitor network addresses for specified RPC services. When a request arrives for a particular service, the port monitor spawns a server process. After the call has been serviced, the server can exit. This technique conserves system resources. The main server function generated by rpcgen allows invocation by inetd. See "Using inetd ""for details.

It may be useful for services to wait for a specified interval after satisfying a service request, in case another request follows. If there is no call in the specified time, the server exits, and some port monitors, like inetd, continue to monitor for the server. If a later request for the service occurs, the port monitor gives the request to a waiting server process (if any), rather than spawning a new process.

Note -

When monitoring for a server, some port monitors, like listen(), always spawn a new process in response to a service request. If a server is used with such a monitor, it should exit immediately on completion.

By default, services created using rpcgen wait for 120 seconds after servicing a request before exiting. The programmer can change the interval with the -K flag. In this example,

$ rpcgen -K 20 proto.x

the server waits for 20 seconds before exiting. To create a server that exits immediately, zero value can be used for the interval period:

$ rpcgen -K 0 proto.x.

To create a server that never exits, the value is -K -1.

Time-out Changes

After sending a request to the server, a client program waits for a default period (25 seconds) to receive a reply. This time-out may be changed using the clnt_control() routine. See "Standard Interfaces ", for additional uses of the clnt_control() routine. See also the rpc(3N) manpage. When considering time-out periods, be sure to allow the minimum amount of time required for "round-trip" communications over the network. Example 3-24 illustrates the use of clnt_control().

Example 3-24 clnt_control Routine

struct timeval tv;
CLIENT *clnt;
clnt = clnt_create( "somehost", SOMEPROG,
									SOMEVERS, "visible" );

if (clnt == (CLIENT *)NULL)
tv.tv_sec = 60;	/* change time-out to
							 * 60 seconds
tv.tv_usec = 0;
clnt_control(clnt, CLSET_TIMEOUT, &tv);

Client Authentication

The client create routines do not have any facilities for client authentication. Some clients may have to authenticate themselves to the server.

The following example illustrates one of the least secure authentication methods in common use. See "Authentication ", for information on the more secure DES authentication technique.

Example 3-25 AUTH_SYS Authentication Program

CLIENT *clnt;
clnt = clnt_create( "somehost", SOMEPROG,
									SOMEVERS, "visible" );
if (clnt != (CLIENT *)NULL) {
	/* To set AUTH_SYS style authentication */
		clnt->cl_auth = authsys_createdefault();

Authentication information is important to servers that have to achieve some level of security. This extra information is supplied to the server as a second argument.

Example 3-26is a server that checks client authentication data. It is modified from printmessage_1() in "An rpcgen Tutorial" and only allows superusers to print a message to the console.

Example 3-26 printmsg_1 for Superuser

int *
printmessage_1(msg, req)
	char **msg;
	struct svc_req  *req;
	static int result;	/* Must be static */
	FILE *f;
	struct authsys_parms *aup;

	aup = (struct authsys_parms *)req->rq_clntcred;
	if (aup->aup_uid != 0) {
		result = 0;
		return (&result)

/* Same code as before. */

Dispatch Tables

It is sometimes useful for programs to have access to dispatch tables used by the RPC package. For example, the server dispatch routine may check authorization and then invoke the service routine; or a client library may deal with the details of storage management and XDR data conversion.

When invoked with the -T option, rpcgen generates RPC dispatch tables for each program defined in the protocol description file, proto.x, in the file proto_tbl.i. The suffix.i stands for "index." rpcgen may be invoked with the -t option to build only the header file. rpcgen cannot be invoked in C-style mode (-N) with either the -T or -t flag.

Each entry in the dispatch table is a struct rpcgen_table, defined in the header file proto.h as follows:

struct rpcgen_table {
   char *(*proc)();
   xdrproc_t xdr_arg;
   unsigned len_arg;
   xdrproc_t xdr_res;
   xdrproc_t len_res


proc is a pointer to the service routine

xdr_arg is a pointer to the input (argument) xdr routine

len_arg is the length in bytes of the input argument

xdr_res is a pointer to the output (result) xdr routine

len_res is the length in bytes of the output result

The table, named dirprog_1_table for the dir.x example, is indexed by procedure number. The variable dirprog_1_nproc contains the number of entries in the table.

An example of how to locate a procedure in the dispatch tables is shown by the routine find_proc():

struct rpcgen_table *
   u_long proc;
   if (proc >= dirprog_1_nproc)
       /* error */
      return (&dirprog_1_table[proc]);

Each entry in the dispatch table contains a pointer to the corresponding service routine. However, that service routine is usually not defined in the client code. To avoid generating unresolved external references, and to require only one source file for the dispatch table, the rpcgen service routine initializer is RPCGEN_ACTION(proc_ver).

This way, the same dispatch table can be included in both the client and the server. Use the following define statement when compiling the client:

#define RPCGEN_ACTION(routine) 0

And use the following define when writing the server:

#define RPCGEN_ACTION(routine)routine

Debugging Applications

You can simplify the testing and debugging process. First test the client program and the server procedure in a single process by linking them with each other rather than with the client and server skeletons. Comment out calls to the client create RPC library routines (see the rpc_clnt_create(3N) manpage) and the authentication routines. Do not link with libnsl.

Link the procedures from previous example by:

cc rls.c dir_clnt.c dir_proc.c -o rls

With the RPC and XDR functions commented out, the procedure calls execute as ordinary local function calls, and the program is debugged with a local debugger such as dbxtool. When the program works, the client program is linked to the client skeleton produced by rpcgen and the server procedures are linked to the server skeleton produced by rpcgen.

You can also use the Raw RPC mode to test the XDR routines. See "Testing Programs Using Low-level Raw RPC " for details.

There are two kinds of errors that can happen in an RPC call. The first kind of error is caused by a problem with the mechanism of the remote procedure calls. Examples of these are (1) the procedure is not available, (2) the remote server is not responding, and (3) the remote server is unable to decode the arguments. In Example 3-26, an RPC error happens if result is NULL. The reason for the failure can be displayed by using clnt_perror(), or an error string can be returned through clnt_sperror().

The second type of error is caused by the server itself. In Example 3-26, an error can be returned by opendir(). The handling of these errors is application specific and is the responsibility of the programmer.

Note that the mechanism illustrated by the paragraphs above does not function with the -C option because of the _svc suffix added to the server-side routines.