ONC+ Developer's Guide

Other Port Monitor Functions

This section briefly describes other port monitor functions.

Restricting Access to the System

A port monitor must be able to restrict access to the system without disturbing services that are still running. In order to do this, a port monitor must maintain two internal states: enabled and disabled. The port monitor starts in the state indicated by the ISTATE environment variable provided by the sac. See "The SAC/Port Monitor Interface".

Enabling or disabling a port monitor affects all ports for which the port monitor is responsible. If a port monitor is responsible for a single port, only that port will be affected. If a port monitor is responsible for multiple ports, the entire collection of ports will be affected.

Enabling or disabling a port monitor is a dynamic operation: It causes the port monitor to change its internal state. The effect does not persist across new invocations of the port monitor.

Enabling or disabling an individual port, however, is a static operation: It causes a change to an administrative file. The effect of this change will persist across new invocations of the port monitor.

Creating utmp Entries

Port monitors are responsible for creating utmp entries with the type field set to USER_PROCESS for services they start, if this action has been specified (that is, if -fu was specified in the pmadm line that added the service). These utmp entries may in turn be modified by the service. When the service terminates, the utmp entry must be set to DEAD_PROCESS.

Port Monitor Process IDs and Lock Files

When a port monitor starts, it writes its process id into a file named _pid in the current directory and places an advisory lock on the file.

Changing the Service Environment: Running doconfig()

Before invoking the service designated in the port monitor administrative file, _pmtab, a port monitor must arrange for the per-service configuration script to be run (if one exists by calling the library function doconfig(). Because the per-service configuration script may specify the execution of restricted commands, as well as for other security reasons, port monitors are invoked with root permissions. The details of how services are invoked are specified by the person who defines the port monitor.