ONC+ Developer's Guide

Name-to-Address Translation

Each transport has an associated set of routines that translate between universal network addresses (string representations of transport addresses) and the local address representation. These universal addresses are passed around within the RPC system (for example, between rpcbind and a client). A run-time linkable library that contains the name-to-address translation routines is associated with each transport. Table 2-7 shows the main translation routines.

For more details on these routines, see the netdir(3N) manpage and the Transport Interfaces Programming Guide. Note that the netconfig structure in each case provides the context for name-to-address translations.

Table 2-7 Name-to-Address Translation Routines


Translates from host/service pairs (e.g. server1, rpcbind) and a netconfig structure to a set of netbuf addresses. netbufs are Transport Level Interface (TLI) structures that contain transport-specific addresses at run-time.


Translates from netbuf addresses and a netconfig structure to host/service pairs.


Translates from universal addresses and a netconfig structure to netbuf addresses.

taddr2uaddr ()

Translates from netbuf addresses and a netconfig structure to universal addresses.