ONC+ Developer's Guide


In all of the preceding examples in this chapter, the caller has not identified itself to the server, and the server has not required identification of the caller. Some network services, such as a network file system, require caller identification. Refer to System Administration Guide, to implement any of the authentication methods described in this section.

Just as different transports can be used when creating RPC clients and servers, different "flavors" of authentication can be associated with RPC clients. The authentication subsystem of RPC is open ended. So, many flavors of authentication can be supported. The authentication protocols are further defined in Appendix B, RPC Protocol and Language Specification."

Sun RPC currently supports the authentication flavors shown in Failed Cross Reference Format.

Table 4-6 Authentication Methods Supported By Sun RPC


Default. No authentication performed 


An authentication flavor based on UNIX operating system, process permissions authentication 


An alternate flavor of AUTH_SYS used by some servers for efficiency. Client programs using AUTH_SYS authentication can receive AUTH_SHORT response verifiers from some servers. See Appendix B, RPC Protocol and Language Specification for details


An authentication flavor based on DES encryption techniques 


Version 4 Kerberos authentication based on DES framework

When a caller creates a new RPC client handle as in:

clnt = clnt_create(host, prognum, versnum, nettype);

the appropriate client-creation routine sets the associated authentication handle to:

clnt->cl_auth = authnone_create();

If you create a new instance of authentication, you must destroy it with auth_destroy(clnt->cl_auth). This should be done to conserve memory.

On the server side, the RPC package passes the service-dispatch routine a request that has an arbitrary authentication style associated with it. The request handle passed to a service-dispatch routine contains the structure rq_cred. It is opaque, except for one field: the flavor of the authentication credentials.

 * Authentication data
struct opaque_auth {
   enum_t    oa_flavor;		/* style of credentials */
   caddr_t   oa_base;			/* address of more auth stuff */
   u_int     oa_length;		/* not to exceed MAX_AUTH_BYTES */

The RPC package guarantees the following to the service-dispatch routine:

AUTH_SYS Authentication

The client can use AUTH_SYS (called AUTH_UNIX in previous releases) style authentication by setting clnt->cl_auth after creating the RPC client handle:

clnt->cl_auth = authsys_create_default();

This causes each RPC call associated with clnt to carry with it the following credentials-authentication structure shown in Failed Cross Reference Format.

Example 4-26 AUTH_SYS Credential Structure

 * AUTH_SYS flavor credentials.
struct authsys_parms {
	u_long aup_time;					/* credentials creation time */
	char *aup_machname;				/* client's host name */
	uid_t aup_uid;						/* client's effective uid */
	gid_t aup_gid;						/* client's current group id */
	u_int aup_len;						/* element length of aup_gids*/
	gid_t *aup_gids;					/* array of groups user is in */

rpc.broadcast defaults to AUTH_SYS authentication.

Example 4-27 shows a server, with procedure RUSERPROC_1(), that returns the number of users on the network. As an example of authentication, it checks AUTH_SYS credentials and does not service requests from callers whose uid is 16.

Example 4-27 Authentication Server

nuser(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	struct authsys_parms *sys_cred;
	uid_t uid;
	unsigned long nusers;

	/* NULLPROC should never be authenticated */
	if (rqstp->rq_proc == NULLPROC) {
		if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL))
			fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");

	/* now get the uid */
	switch(rqstp->rq_cred.oa_flavor) {
		case AUTH_SYS:
			sys_cred = (struct authsys_parms *) rqstp->rq_clntcred;
			uid = sys_cred->aup_uid;
	switch(rqstp->rq_proc) {
		case RUSERSPROC_1:
			/* make sure caller is allowed to call this proc */
			if (uid == 16) {

			 * Code here to compute the number of users and assign it
			 * to the variable nusers
			if (!svc_sendreply( transp, xdr_u_long, &nusers))
				fprintf(stderr, "can't reply to RPC call\n");

Note the following:

The last point underscores the relation between the RPC authentication package and the services: RPC deals only with authentication and not with an individual service's access control. The services themselves must establish access-control policies and reflect these policies as return statuses in their protocols.

AUTH_DES Authentication

Use AUTH_DES authentication for programs that require more security than AUTH_SYS provides. AUTH_SYS authentication is easy to defeat. For example, instead of using authsys_create_default(), a program can call authsys_create() and change the RPC authentication handle to give itself any desired user ID and hostname.

AUTH_DES authentication requires that keyserv() daemons are running on both the server and client hosts. The NIS or NIS+ naming service must also be running. Users on these hosts need public/secret key pairs assigned by the network administrator in the publickey() database. They must also have decrypted their secret keys with the keylogin() command (normally done by login() unless the login password and secure-RPC password differ).

To use AUTH_DES authentication, a client must set its authentication handle appropriately. For example:

cl->cl_auth = authdes_seccreate(servername, 60, server,
						       (char *)NULL);

The first argument is the network name or "netname" of the owner of the server process. Server processes are usually root processes, and you can get their netnames with the following call:

char servername[MAXNETNAMELEN];
host2netname(servername, server, (char *)NULL);

servername points to the receiving string and server is the name of the host the server process is running on. If the server process was run by a non-root user, use the call user2netname() as follows:

char servername[MAXNETNAMELEN];
user2netname(servername, serveruid(), (char *)NULL);

serveruid() is the user id of the server process. The last argument of both functions is the name of the domain that contains the server. NULL means "use the local domain name."

The second argument of authdes_seccreate() is the lifetime (known also as the window) of the client's credential, here, 60 seconds. A credential will expire 60 seconds after the client makes an RPC call. If a program tries to reuse the credential, the server RPC subsystem recognizes that it has expired and does not service the request carrying the expired credential. If any program tries to reuse a credential within its lifetime, it is rejected, because the server RPC subsystem saves credentials it has seen in the near past and does not serve duplicates.

The third argument of authdes_seccreate() is the name of the timehost used to synchronize clocks. AUTH_DES authentication requires that server and client agree on the time. The example specifies to synchronize with the server. A (char *)NULL says not to synchronize. Do this only when you are sure that the client and server are already synchronized.

The fourth argument of authdes_seccreate() points to a DES encryption key to encrypt time stamps and data. If this argument is (char *)NULL, as it is in this example, a random key is chosen. The ah_key field of the authentication handle contains the key.

The server side is simpler than the client. Example 4-28shows the server in Example 4-27 changed to use AUTH_DES.

Example 4-28 AUTH_DES Server

#include <rpc/rpc.h>
nuser(rqstp, transp)
	struct svc_req *rqstp;
	SVCXPRT *transp;
	struct authdes_cred *des_cred;
	uid_t uid;
	gid_t gid;
	int gidlen;
	gid_t gidlist[10];

	/* NULLPROC should never be authenticated */
	if (rqstp->rq_proc == NULLPROC) {
		/* same as before */
	/* now get the uid */
	switch(rqstp->rq_cred.oa_flavor) {
		case AUTH_DES:
			des_cred = (struct authdes_cred *) rqstp->rq_clntcred;
			if (! netname2user( des_cred->adc_fullname.name, &uid,
			                    &gid, &gidlen, gidlist)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "unknown user: %s\n",
	/* The rest is the same as before */

Note the routine netname2user() converts a network name (or "netname" of a user) to a local system ID. It also supplies group IDs (not used in this example).

AUTH_KERB Authentication

SunOS 5.x includes support for most client-side features of Kerberos 4.0, except klogin. AUTH_KERB is conceptually similar to AUTH_DES; the essential difference is that DES passes a network name and DES-encrypted session key, while Kerberos passes the encrypted service ticket. The other factors that affect implementation and interoperability are given in the following subsections.

For more information, see the kerberos(3N)man page and the Steiner-Neuman-Shiller paper [Steiner, Jennifer G., Neuman, Clifford, and Schiller, Jeffrey J. "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems." USENIX Conference Proceedings, USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA, June 1988.] on the MIT Project Athena implementation of Kerberos. You may access MIT documentation through the FTP directory /pub/kerberos/doc on athena-dist.mit.edu, or through Mosaic, using the document URL, ftp://athena-dist.mit.edu/pub/kerberos/doc.

Time Synchronization

Kerberos uses the concept of a time window in which its credentials are valid. It does not place restrictions on the clocks of the client or server. The client is required to determine the time bias between itself and the server and compensate for the difference by adjusting the window time specified to the server. Specifically, the window is passed as an argument to authkerb_seccreate(); the window does not change. If a timehost is specified as an argument, the client side gets the time from the timehost and alters its timestamp by the difference in time. Various methods of time synchronization are available. See the kerberos_rpc(3N)man page for more information.

Well-Known Names

Kerberos users are identified by a primary name, instance, and realm. The RPC authentication code ignores the realm and instance, while the Kerberos library code does not. The assumption is that user names are the same between client and server. This enables a server to translate a primary name into user identification information. Two forms of well-known names are used (omitting the realm):


Kerberos uses cipher block chaining (CBC) mode when sending a full name credential (one that includes the ticket and window), and electronic code book (ECB) mode otherwise. CBC and ECB are two methods of DES encryption. See the des_crypt(3) man page for more information. The session key is used as the initial input vector for CBC mode. The notation


means that XDR is used on object as a type. The length in the next code section is the size, in bytes of the credential or verifier, rounded up to 4-byte units. The full name credential and verifier are obtained as follows:

xdr_long(window - 1)

After encryption with CBC with input vector equal to the session key, the output is two DES cipher blocks:


The credential is:


The verifier is:


The nickname exchange yields:


The nickname is encrypted with ECB to obtain ECB0, and the credential is:


The verifier is:
