Application Packaging Developer's Guide

Case Study Files

The pkginfo File

NAME=NCMP Utilities
CATEGORY=application, tools
VERSION=RELEASE 1.0, Issue 1.0

The prototype File

i pkginfo
i request
x bin $NCMPBIN 0755 root other
f bin $NCMPBIN/dired=/usr/ncmp/bin/dired 0755 root other
f bin $NCMPBIN/less=/usr/ncmp/bin/less 0755 root other
f bin $NCMPBIN/ttype=/usr/ncmp/bin/ttype 0755 root other
f emacs $NCMPBIN/emacs=/usr/ncmp/bin/emacs 0755 root other
x emacs $EMACS 0755 root other
f emacs $EMACS/ansii=/usr/ncmp/lib/emacs/macros/ansii 0644 root other
f emacs $EMACS/box=/usr/ncmp/lib/emacs/macros/box 0644 root other
f emacs $EMACS/crypt=/usr/ncmp/lib/emacs/macros/crypt 0644 root other
f emacs $EMACS/draw=/usr/ncmp/lib/emacs/macros/draw 0644 root other
f emacs $EMACS/mail=/usr/ncmp/lib/emacs/macros/mail 0644 root other
f emacs $NCMPMAN/man1/emacs.1=/usr/ncmp/man/man1/emacs.1 0644 root other
d man $NCMPMAN 0755 root other
d man $NCMPMAN/man1 0755 root other
f man $NCMPMAN/man1/dired.1=/usr/ncmp/man/man1/dired.1 0644 root other
f man $NCMPMAN/man1/ttype.1=/usr/ncmp/man/man1/ttype.1 0644 root other
f man $NCMPMAN/man1/less.1=/usr/ncmp/man/man1/less.1 0644 inixmr other

The request Script

trap 'exit 3' 15
# determine if and where general executables should be placed
ans=`ckyorn -d y \
-p "Should executables included in this package be installed"
` || exit $?
if [ "$ans" = y ]
   NCMPBIN=`ckpath -d /usr/ncmp/bin -aoy \
   -p "Where should executables be installed"
   ` || exit $?
# determine if emacs editor should be installed, and if it should
# where should the associated macros be placed
ans=`ckyorn -d y \
-p "Should emacs editor included in this package be installed"
` || exit $?
if [ "$ans" = y ]
   EMACS=`ckpath -d /usr/ncmp/lib/emacs -aoy \
   -p "Where should emacs macros be installed"
   ` || exit $?

Note that a request script can exit without leaving any files on the file system. For installations on Solaris versions prior to 2.5 (where no checkinstall script may be used) the request script is the correct place to test the file system in any manner necessary to ensure that the installation will succeed. When the request script exits with code 1, the installation will quit cleanly.

These example files show the use of parametric paths to establish multiple base directories. However, the preferred method involves use of the BASEDIR parameter which is managed and validated by the pkgadd command. Whenever multiple base directories are used, take special care to provide for installation of multiple versions and architectures on the same platform.