Linker and Libraries Guide

Static Mode

This mode is selected when the -dn option is used, and allows for the creation of relocatable objects and static executables. Under this mode only relocatable objects and archive libraries are acceptable forms of input. Use of the -l option will result in a search for archive libraries.

Building a Relocatable Object

$ cc -dn -r -o temp.o file1.o file2.o file3.o .....

Building a Static Executable

The use of static executables is limited. Static executables usually contain platform specific implementation details which restricts the ability of the executable to be run on an alternative platform. Also, many implementations of Solaris libraries depend on dynamic linking capabilities such as dlopen(3X) and dlsym(3X). (see "Loading Additional Objects"). These capabilities are not available to static executables.

$ cc -dn -o prog file1.o file2.o file3.o .....

Note -

The -a option is available to indicate the creation of a static executable, however, the use of -dn without a -r implies -a.