Linker and Libraries Guide

Versioning a Shared Object

Having determined a shared object's available interfaces, the associated version definitions are created using a mapfile and the link-editors -M option (see "Defining Additional Symbols" for an introduction of this mapfile syntax).

The following example defines a vendor public interface in the shared object

$ cat mapfile
SUNW_1.1 {                   # Release X.
$ cc -G -o -h -z text -M mapfile foo.c

Here the global symbols foo1 and foo2 are assigned to the shared objects public interface SUNW_1.1. Any other global symbols supplied from the input files are reduced to local by the auto-reduction directive "*" (see "Reducing Symbol Scope").

Note -

Each version definition mapfile entry should be accompanied by a comment reflecting the release or date of the update. This information helps coordinate multiple updates of a shared object, possibly by different developers, into one version definition suitable for delivery of the shared object as part of a software release.

Versioning an Existing (Non-versioned) Shared Object

Versioning an existing, non-versioned shared object requires extra care, as the shared object delivered in a previous software release has made available all its global symbols for others to bind with. Although it can be possible to determine the shared objects intended interfaces, it can be the case that others have discovered and bound to other symbols. Therefore, the removal of any symbols might result in an applications failure on delivery of the new versioned shared object.

The internal versioning of an existing, non-versioned shared object can be achieved if the interfaces can be determined, and applied, without breaking any existing applications. The runtime linker's debugging capabilities can be useful to help verify the binding requirements of various applications (see "Debugging Aids"). However, this determination of existing binding requirements assumes that all users of the shared object are known.

If the binding requirements of an existing, non-versioned shared object can not be determined then it is necessary to create a new shared object file using a new versioned name (see "Coordination of Versioned Filenames"). In addition to this new shared object, the original shared object must also be delivered so as to satisfy the dependencies of any existing applications.

If the implementation of the original shared object is to be frozen then maintaining and delivering the shared object binary might be sufficient. If however, the original shared object might require updating - for example, through patches, or because its implementation must evolve to remain compatible with new platforms - then an alternative source tree from which to generate the shared object can be more applicable.