Linker and Libraries Guide

Directories Searched by the Runtime Linker

The runtime linker knows of only one standard place to look for libraries, /usr/lib. All other directories to be searched must be added to the runtime linker's search path explicitly.

When a dynamic executable or shared object is linked with additional shared objects, these shared objects are recorded as dependencies that must be located again during process execution by the runtime linker. During the link-edit, one or more pathnames can be recorded in the output file. These pathnames will be used by the runtime linker to search for any shared object dependencies. These recorded pathnames are referred to as a runpath.

Note -

No matter how you modify the runtime linker's library search path, its last element is always /usr/lib.

The -R option, which takes a colon-separated list of directories, can be used to record a runpath in a dynamic executable or shared library. For example:

$ cc -o prog main.c -R/home/me/lib:/home/you/lib -Lpath1 \
-Lpath2 file1.c file2.c -lfoo -lbar

will record the runpath /home/me/lib:/home/you/lib in the dynamic executable prog. The runtime linker will use these paths, and then the default location /usr/lib, to locate any shared object dependencies. In this case, this runpath will be used to locate and

The link-editor accepts multiple -R options and will concatenate each of these specifications, separated by a colon. Thus, the previous example can also be expressed as:

$ cc -o prog main.c -R/home/me/lib -Lpath1 \
-R/home/you/lib -Lpath2 file1.c file2.c -lfoo -lbar

Note -

A historic alternative to specifying the -R option is to set the environment variable LD_RUN_PATH, and make this available to the link-editor. The scope and function of LD_RUN_PATH and -R are identical, but when both are specified, -R supersedes LD_RUN_PATH.