Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Transition Guide

Q. In the OpenWindows environment I used the words "Properties" and "Settings" interchangeably. What are the terms in CDE and what do they mean?

A. In the OpenWindows environment, application-wide settings are set via the Properties dialog box, accessed from the Edit menu. In CDE, application-wide settings are set via the Options areas. Options choices are generally located under the application's File menu or the separate menu item, Options.

In CDE, Properties (if they exist in an application) are generally found under the application's Edit menu and are used to set characteristics of an object, such as its date or name, or display identifying characteristics of an object, such as typefaces. In CDE, format settings are usually found under the Format menu and enable margin and paragraph alignment to be set for a single paragraph, file, or message.

The File Manager Properties menu item is on the Selected menu. Use the Properties dialog box to view information about a selected file or folder or to view or revise permissions and Access Control Lists for the file or folder.