Solaris User's Guide


This manual provides new and experienced users with the basic information needed to get started with the SolarisTM user environment (using OpenWindowsTM and DeskSetTM applications). The Solaris user environment is based on the OPEN LOOK® Graphical User Interface. Additional topics covered here include how to modify the OpenWindows Workspace, how to access AnswerBookTM to view documents on-line, and troubleshooting.


This guide should help you become familiar with the basics of the OpenWindows environment and user interface concepts. The information in this guide should help you to perform basic OpenWindows tasks, such as:

If you are not familiar with these operations, read Chapter 1, Introduction to the Solaris User Environment for information on how to use the mouse, icons, windows, and menus. The on-line tutorial Introducing Your Desktop also provides information about these OpenWindows elements.

Note that context-sensitive help is available for each application. Position the pointer over the item you want help with, and press the Help or F1 key, depending upon your keyboard. A pop-up window is displayed giving detailed information.

Note -

Solaris supports SPARC, x86, and PowerPC machines, whose keyboards differ. Consequently, some keyboard equivalents of commands found in OpenWindows menus differ, according to keyboard.

For most keyboard equivalents, Solaris supports a Meta key combination that can be used on both platforms. See Chapter 1, Introduction to the Solaris User Environment for a list of command functions and their various keyboard equivalents.

How this Guide is Organized

This guide is divided into several major components:


The following conventions are used in this guide:

Figure P-1 Default Functions of the Mouse Buttons


For a three-button mouse, the default function assignments are:

For a two-button mouse, the default function assignments are:

To use the ADJUST function on a two-button mouse, press and hold the keyboard Shift key and click the SELECT mouse button.

Platform-Specific Conventions

The following symbols preceding a section or procedure title indicate that the section or procedure pertains only to the particular platform:

SPARC Denotes a SPARC platform-specific section or procedure

x86 Denotes an x86 platform-specific section or procedure

PowerPC Denotes a PowerPC platform-specific section or procedure

Platform-specific notes are indicated as follows:

SPARC only -

This note is specific to the SPARC platform.

x86 only -

This note is specific to the x86 platform.

only -

This note is specific to the PowerPC platform.

Platform-specific bullet items are indicated as follows:

If a code sample, table, or figure pertains to a specific platform, the name of the particular platform appears at the beginning of the title. For example:

Table 1-1 SPARC: Title Specific to SPARC Platform

Table 1-2 x86: Title Specific to x86 Platform

Table 1-3 PowerPC: Title Specific to PowerPC Platform

Other Books

For additional information, refer to the following Solaris books: