Solaris User's Guide

Loading Saved Messages Back into Mail Tool

You can load saved messages back into the Mail Tool base window and view them as you would new mail messages. When you load previously saved messages, they temporarily replace the current messages contained in your in-box.

Loading a Message from the Mail Files Directory

If the message you want to view is in the default Folder directory:

  1. Press MENU on the abbreviated menu button to the left of the Mail File text field.

    A menu pops up listing the messages in the Folder directory.

  2. Drag the pointer to the message you want to load, highlight it, and release MENU.

  3. Choose Load.

    All messages saved to that file appear in the Mail Tool base window as separate messages, just as they did when first received in the In-Box.

Loading a Message from Another Directory

To load a message saved to another directory:

  1. In the Mail Tool base window, type the path to the message file in the text field.

    Use the same path that you used to store it initially.

  2. Choose Load.

    All messages saved to that file name appear in the Mail Tool base window as separate messages, just as they did when first received in the In-Box.

    Alternatively, you can drag a file of saved mail from File Manager and drop it onto the Mail Tool base window. The message or messages in that file will appear in the base window just as they did when you first received them. This method is especially helpful if you have forgotten the path to the file.

Loading the In-Box

To reload your In-Box messages:

    In the Header window, choose Load In-Box from the File menu.

All of the message headers in the In-Box are again displayed in the Mail Tool Header window.