Solaris User's Guide

Chapter 7 Clock

The Clock application displays the current time in a window or icon. The current time can be displayed in either an analog or digital form, for any time zone around the world. The Clock application can also be used as a stopwatch or alarm clock.

The Clock relies on the date and time being correctly set. If you have not yet set the date and time on your system, refer to the manual page for date.

This chapter describes how to use and customize the Clock.

    To display the Clock, choose Workspace -> Programs -> Clock.

Clock Icon and Window

The clock icon displays an analog clock with or without roman numerals, as shown in the examples in Figure 7-1. See the section "Customizing the Clock" for information about how to display a Roman clock icon.

Figure 7-1 Clock Icons (Analog and Roman)


When you open the Clock icon, the clock is displayed in the pane of a base window, as shown in Figure 7-2. The current time zone is displayed beneath the clock if it is not the local time zone.

Figure 7-2 Clock Window


The Clock window has a header and resize corners. You can use the resize corners to change the area of the window, making the clock larger or smaller. You can also disable the header. See the manual page for clock for information about this and other customization features.

Customizing the Clock

You can customize the Clock using the settings in the Clock Properties window.

  1. Open the Clock if it is in icon form.

  2. Display the Clock Properties window:

  1. Move the pointer into the Clock pane.

  2. Press MENU to display the Clock menu.

    The Clock menu, shown in Figure 7-3, is displayed.

    Figure 7-3 Clock Pop-up Menu


  3. Choose Properties from the Clock menu.

    The Clock Properties window, shown in Figure 7-4, is displayed.

    Figure 7-4 Clock Properties Window


  4. Change the settings, as desired.

    The settings are described in the following sections.

    • If you are dissatisfied with your changes, revert to previous settings by clicking SELECT on Reset.

    • If you want the new settings to become the default every time you start a new Clock, click SELECT on Save as Defaults.

  5. Click SELECT on Apply.

    The new settings take effect immediately.

Changing to a Digital-Style Clock Face

The Clock face and icon are displayed in analog style, by default. To change the Clock face to digital display, click SELECT on the digital box in the Properties window, and then click SELECT on the Apply button. The digital style clock is shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5 Digital-Style Clock Face


Changing to a Roman-Style Clock Icon

To change the icon style from basic analog to Roman, click SELECT on the roman box, and then click SELECT on the Apply button. Both styles are shown in Figure 7-6.

Note -

There is no digital-style icon option.

Figure 7-6 Analog and Roman Icon Styles


12-Hour or 24-Hour Clock

If you change the face style to digital, you also have the option of a 12-hour or 24-hour clock. The default is a 12-hour Clock, which has an A.M. or a P.M. printed next to it. The 24-hour Clock uses military time. For instance, 1:00 P.M. is displayed as 13:00. Figure 7-7 shows both the 12-hour and the 24-hour clocks.

Figure 7-7 12-Hour and 24-Hour Clocks


Displaying a Second Hand and the Date

If you select the Seconds display option, a second hand appears on the analog-style clock face and icon, and moves like the second hand on a physical analog clock. The digital-style clock face displays the passing seconds digitally.

Figure 7-8 shows both the 12-hour and the 24-hour clock faces with the Seconds option selected.

Figure 7-8 Seconds Option on 12-Hour and 24-Hour Clocks


Choose the Date option on the Props window if you would like to display the date at the bottom of the Clock window, as shown in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9 Date in the Digital Clock Face


Changing the Time Zone

You can display the current time in a different time zone using the Time zone option. The default is local. To choose a new time zone:

  1. Open the Properties window, if not already opened.

    This is described in the section "Customizing the Clock".

  2. Click SELECT on the other option in the Timezone category, as shown in Figure 7-10.

    An abbreviated menu button appears.

    Figure 7-10 Timezone Category


  3. Press MENU on the abbreviated menu button, drag the pointer to the desired time zone, and release.

    Figure 7-11 shows the list of time zones. Note that countries with more than one time zone have submenus containing the time zones for that country.

    Figure 7-11 Time Zones Example


  4. Click SELECT on the Apply button.

    The time for that zone then appears on the clock face or icon.

Using the Stopwatch

To use the stopwatch:

  1. Open the Clock if it is in icon form.

  2. With the pointer on the Clock, press MENU and choose Properties from the Clock menu.

  3. Select digital box for the Clock Face style.

    The stop watch also works in analog style, but it does not display the time in numerical form, so is less suited to use as a stopwatch.

  4. Click SELECT on the Stopwatch reset box, as shown in Figure 7-12.

    The clock face changes to a timer, with 00 hours, 00 minutes, and 00 seconds.

    Figure 7-12 Resetting the Stopwatch


  5. Click SELECT on the Stopwatch start box when you want to begin timing.

    The Clock begins clocking seconds as shown in Figure 7-13.

    Figure 7-13 Stopwatch in the Digital Display


  6. Click SELECT on the Stopwatch stop box when the timing period is over.

  7. Click SELECT on the start box again if you want to resume timing.

  8. Click SELECT on the reset box if you want the next timing session to begin with zero time.

  9. Click SELECT on none to return to the regular Clock.

Alarm Settings

    To set the alarm, choose Properties -> Clock menu.

Use the Alarm Hr and Min settings to specify the time for an alarm. Use the Alarm command text field to type in the command that you'd like to take place at the alarm time. If you don't specify a command, the Clock application will beep. For example, if your workstation has audio capabilities you can set the Clock to create a cuckoo sound with the following Alarm command:

sh -c "cat /usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/ > /dev/audio''

Use the Repeat settings to specify whether the alarm should happen just one time, or every day at the given time. The alarm will not occur if the Repeat setting is none.

If you want a command to take place hourly, type that command in the Hourly command text field. Clock processes this command as hourly and alarm commands, for example, $HOME/clock.hourly.

Clock Keyboard Accelerators

You can change many of the Clock settings without using the Properties window by moving the pointer anywhere within the open Clock window and typing the following keyboard accelerators: