Solaris User's Guide

Performing Simple Calculations

Calculations are performed from left to right, with no arithmetic precedence. For example, 2+3*4=20. You need parentheses, available on the Calculator base window, to establish correct arithmetic precedence. For example, 2+(3*4)=14.

To perform a numerical operation, such as adding two numbers together:

  1. Click SELECT on the first digit, for example, 7.

    The number is entered in the display at the upper right corner of the Calculator. In Figure 8-1 the number 0.00 is displayed.

  2. Click SELECT on the operation you want to perform, for example, +.

  3. Click SELECT on the number you want to add to the first number, for example, 6.

    The number is displayed in the numeric display area.

  4. Click SELECT on the = sign.

    The result, 13 in this example, is displayed in the numeric display area.

    Alternatively, you can use the keyboard to enter numbers and simple functions. You can also use the Copy key to store the numeric display to the clipboard, and the Paste key to retrieve the contents of the clipboard. If you want to copy just a portion of the numeric display, use the SELECT and ADJUST mouse buttons to define the portion of the numeric display to copy.

    If an operation needing more than one input is partially complete, the pending operation is displayed on the line beneath the current number as a reminder.