Solaris User's Guide

MouseKeys Settings

Changing the Maximum Speed of the Pointer

If you have trouble moving the pointer with the accuracy you want, you can slow it down. To change how fast the pointer moves, check the box marked "Max. pointer speed (pix/sec)." (See Figure B-4.) Adjust its slider bar to the speed that you want. The speed is in pixels/per second, and can range from 10 up to 1000. [Limits on pointer speed apply only when MouseKeys is turned on.]

Setting the "Ramp-Up" Speed for the Pointer

You can set how fast the pointer reaches its maximum speed (when MouseKeys is set). To do this, adjust the slider marked "Time to max speed" (see Figure B-4.) This way, you can be more deliberate in moving the pointer. You can set the mouse to take up to four seconds to reach full speed.