Solaris User's Guide

RepeatKeys Settings

Delaying the Onset of Repetition

You can set the amount of time you want a key to be pressed before it begins repeating. This interval can be anywhere from a tenth of a second up to ten seconds. To set this parameter, move the "Delay until repeat" slider (see Figure B-4) to the number of seconds you want keys to wait before repeating.

Setting the Rate of Repeating

You can also set the repeat rate. The repeat rate represents how many times a pressed key will repeat per second. The rate ranges from 0.1 (that is, ten seconds per key) to 10 (that is, ten keys per second). The higher you set this value, the faster the key repeats. Set this to a low value to keep a pressed key from repeating, or from repeating too quickly.

Move the "Repeat rate" slider to the value you want. (See Figure B-4.)