Solaris User's Guide

Auto-Adjust Button

This button enables you to automatically set the optimum recording level. This is recommended before a recording session begins or whenever the microphone is moved or the input source is changed.

Click SELECT on Auto-Adjust to initiate scanning of the input sound data to determine its loudness. The current level of the input signal is examined and, if necessary, minor adjustments are made to set a Record level. If no signal is found, the Record level jumps to the maximum, then automatically adjusts down until the optimal level is achieved. An LED-like input level meter displays the sound level. During the auto-adjust operation, no data is recorded. The auto-adjust procedure continues until a satisfactory level has been maintained for three to five seconds.

To adjust the level of your voice, talk into the microphone in a normal speaking voice. Speak continuously during the entire time (for instance, counting) until the auto-adjust operation ends. If the input signal does not register on the level meter, check the ON/OFF switch on the microphone or replace the microphone battery.

You should also use the auto-adjust operation to set the optimal recording level for input sources connected directly to the microphone jack, such as a CD player or tape deck. For best results, play the loudest section of your audio source during the auto-adjust operation. You can use the Monitor Volume to listen to the source while you are setting the volume level (as well as while you are recording).

Note -

If you cannot achieve a satisfactory signal level with a commercial microphone, it may be necessary to speak closer to the microphone, or to obtain a microphone preamplifier.