Solaris User's Guide

Advanced Settings

You can change the way File Manager behaves and the way it presents certain information by changing controls in the Advanced Settings window. To display the Advanced Settings window, choose Advanced Settings from Category.

The File Manager Tool Properties window is shown in Figure 2-46.

Figure 2-46 Tool Properties Window


Print Method

The Print Method text field allows you to specify a default UNIX print script for files that are printed from File Manager that do not have a print method defined in the Binder database. The print script shown in Figure 2-46 prints your files in landscape mode on your default printer, using the mp PostScript pretty printer. If you want to change the print script, make sure to type $FILE in the script where the file name should be inserted.

View Filter Pattern

The View Filter Pattern text field allows you to specify that only files of a certain type are displayed in the file pane of File Manager. In the example shown in Figure 2-47, the filter pattern *.rs shows only the raster files in a directory, even though other files are there. Note that the header of the window shows you what filter pattern is set.

Figure 2-47 File Pane with a *.rs Filter Pattern Set


Default Editor

Update File System

You can set the number of seconds that File Manager checks to see if any items were added or deleted.

Follow Symbolic Links

If Symbolic Lines is set to No (the default), you see filenames just as you typed them. For example, in the Go To field. If Symbolic Links is set to Yes, you see links made across file systems.

Open File Manager Window

Automatically opens the CD window of the CD that has been inserted.

Use Generic Icons

When you insert a Floppy or CD, it can take some time for the icons to display. If it is not important to you what the icons look like, and/or if you want the them to display quickly, you can set Yes and a generic representation of the icon is displayed and is much quicker time.