Solaris User's Guide

Button Menus

Button Menus or Window buttons appear in the control areas of many applications. Some window buttons provide a single option, and others provide menus of choices. The Edit submenu in the Text Editor application, for instance, provides editing options for cutting, copying, and pasting text, as well as repeating or undoing an edit. Text Editor's abbreviated menu button, in the upper left corner, displays options common to most DeskSet applications, such as Open/Close, and Quit. The Text Editor menu buttons are shown in Figure 1-15.

Figure 1-15 Text Editor's Menu Buttons


There are four buttons at the top of the Text Editor window, each with a hollow triangle pointing down, indicating that there are further menu choices beneath each button. You can see these choices by placing the pointer on one of the buttons and pressing MENU. The window buttons for all of the applications are discussed in their respective sections.