Using Power Management

Starting the Power Manager Program: dtpower

You can use the Power Management program, dtpower, to do the following tasks for your system:

If dtpower is already running, it may appear on your desktop as this icon:

Figure 3-1 dtpower Icon


If you need to start it, or need to start it again as superuser to make changes, perform one of the following procedures.

To Start dtpower From the Command Line

  1. Become superuser by typing:

    example% su
    Password: root_password

    You must become superuser before you can modify any settings in the Power Management software. Otherwise, the dtpower window only allows you to check current system power settings.

  2. Start dtpower by typing:

    example% /usr/openwin/bin/dtpower &

To Start dtpower From a CDE or OpenWindows Menu

    Select Power Manager under the Programs option in the Workspace menu.

If you are using CDE, you also can start up dtpower the following way:

    Click the Power Manager icon in the Application manager - System-Admin folder.

For more information on the Workspace menu, refer to the Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide or the Solaris User's Guide.

Remember that you cannot modify settings in the Power Manager window unless you were superuser for the system when you started dtpower.