Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (SPARC Platform Edition)

Frequently Asked Questions About Using the Upgrade Option

Q: Will I be able to use the upgrade option on my system?

You can use the upgrade option if you are running Solaris 2.4 or later.

To see what version of the Solaris operating environment the system is running, type:

$ uname -a

Q: Do I have to back out patches before I use the upgrade option?


Q: What if the Solaris installation program doesn't provide the upgrade option, but the system should be upgradeable?

See the module Troubleshooting During Installing in this book.

Q: What if the system's file systems don't have enough space for the upgrade?

The upgrade option in the Solaris Interactive Installation program lets you reallocate disk space if the current file systems don't have enough space for the upgrade. By default, an auto-layout feature tries to determine how to reallocate the disk space so the upgrade can succeed. If auto-layout can't determine how to reallocate disk space, you must specify which file systems can be moved or changed and run auto-layout again based on your input.

Q: Can I automatically upgrade to another software group?

No. For example, if you previously installed the end user software group on your system, you cannot use the upgrade option to upgrade to the developer software group. However, you can always add software to the system during the upgrade that is not part of the currently installed software group.

Q: Where does the installation program log local modifications that the upgrade couldn't preserve?

Q: Where does the installation program log what happened during the upgrade?