Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (SPARC Platform Edition)

What Do I Need to Install?

Table 8-1 indicates what you need to install to provide specific AnswerBook2 functionality.

Table 8-1 When and What to Install
 If you want to do this.... Then do this...
 View online documentation from your desktop (any platform, any operating system).Start a web browser and point it at the document server's URL (for example, http://my_docs:8888). See "Launching the AnswerBook2 Viewer".
 Automatically launch a web browser with the appropriate server URL from your desktop.If you are running the Solaris 2.6 operating system, then identify a document server and select the AnswerBook2 option from the CDE Help pop-up menu or the OpenWindows Programs menu. See "Launching the AnswerBook2 Viewer".
 Enable your system (machine) to deliver (serve) documentation.Install the document server software from the Solaris Documentation CD. See "Installing Document Server Software".
 Add documentation from the Solaris 2.6 Documentation CD to your document server.The document administrator is the only user authorized to perform this function. For information about installing the document collections, see "Installing Server Software", Step 5.
 Add existing documentation (for example, AnswerBook1 packages) to your document server.The document administrator is the only user authorized to perform this function. See "Installing Server Software", Step 5.