Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (SPARC Platform Edition)

Bind 4.9.4-P1

The Solaris operating environment now supports and includes Domain Name System (DNS) Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND) version 4.9.4 patch level 1. BIND is the most popular implementation of DNS. BIND is critical for Internet connectivity because it provides an Internet naming service that stores host (IP) addresses, mail information, and similar data for lookup purposes. BIND always includes a number of programs and the resolver library. The main program is named, the daemon that provides DNS information. Applications such as telnet communicate with named via the resolver library.

BIND 4.9.4-P1 provides new security over the Internet. The older version of BIND did little to prevent DNS spoofing. Intruders could cause BIND to provide incorrect name data. Services that use this (some of which do not verify data) could be tricked into allowing remote access to unauthorized users. The 4.9.4 version fixes many holes in security.

For more information, see Solaris Naming Administration Guide.