About Solaris 2.6 Documentation

Viewing Online AnswerBook2 Documentation

An AnswerBook collection is a set of documents that you can view using an online browser. AnswerBook collections can be shared by users across a network through a web-browser-based interface. When properly configured, you can use the AnswerBook system as you would any library. You can browse, search, bookmark, and print the information in the books.

To support this, a new script has been added to your operating system. This script supplements the existing AnswerBook script and provides you with the option of running the new system (with all the new documentation) or the old system (which supports some subset of the new documentation). In addition, you need to perform some setup steps to provide access to new and old documents through this system. For more information, see the module "Accessing Online Documentation" in the Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (SPARC Platform Edition) or Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (Intel Platform Edition).