About Solaris 2.6 Documentation

List of Printed Documents

The following documents are provided in printed (hard copy) format for this release. (For information on documents that are online for this release, refer to the section List of Online Abstracts and Documentation in this document).

Note -

You may not have printed documents if your software was preinstalled. You may have printed documentation for other products that are packaged with Solaris, but they are not described here.

Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

The Advanced Installation Guide describes how to install the Solaris operating environment on both networked and non-networked systems. Although this book can be used to perform one-time installations, it provides detailed information on the Solaris advanced installation features that should be used for enterprise sites that have a large install base. The advanced Solaris installation features include setting up network installations, preconfiguring system information, and automating installations with the custom JumpStartTM technology.

This guide also is included in the Solaris 2.6 System Administrator Collection Volume 1.

Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (SPARC or Intel Platform Edition)

The Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (Intel Platform Edition) is primarily a reference book. It includes installing Solaris and other software in the desktop box.

The first section contains step-by-step instructions on how to plan an installation. The steps point to other sections in the Information Library. Planning an installation guarantees that you do not run into problems because of unsupported devices, or not enough disk space, and ensures that you have gathered system information required during the installation.

Installation Instructions for Solaris 2.6 (SPARC or Intel Platform Edition)

This card guides you through the installation process. This is the place to start when you are installing Solaris software.

Solaris 2.6 (SPARC or Intel Platform Edition) Release Notes

Release notes for the Intel or SPARC platform are provided. They cover important installation issues and include runtime bugs and issues that arrived too late to be included in the SUNWrdm online package.